Permeability changes in heartwood of Picea abies and Abies alba induced by incubation with Physisporinus vitreus

Schwarze, Francis W.M.R. ; Landmesser, Helge ; Zgraggen, Bruno ; Heeb, Markus

In: Holzforschung, 2006, vol. 60, no. 4, p. 450-454

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    The present study shows that isolates of P. vitreus have an extraordinary capacity to induce substantial permeability changes in heartwood of P. abies without causing significant losses in impact bending strength. The degradation of pit membranes by P. vitreus is an important aspect that could also have significant benefits in wood protection processes. Further studies are currently in progress with the objective of optimising the uniformity of wood colonisation and duration of incubation, so as to improve the permeability of water-borne wood preservatives or hydrophobic substances applied by brushing, dipping and impregnation