Elongation and Gravireactivity of Roots from an Agravitropic Maize Mutant: Implications of Growth Inhibitors

Pilet, Paul-Emile

In: Plant and Cell Physiology, 1983, vol. 24, no. 3, p. 333-336

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    Growth of agravitropic (AGT) mutant (c.v. Kys) maize roots was significantly higher in comparison to that of two normal gravitropic cultivar roots. Vertical halfdecapitated roots bent towards the remaining half tip. This result can be explained by the fact that cap cells produced growth inhibitors (GI) moving in basipetal direction. The curvatures of half-decapitated roots in Kys AGT root were significantly smaller than in normal cultivar root. One essential consequence of this AGT mutation was brought by low GI content inside the extension zone