2C-B: A New Psychoactive Phenylethylamine Recently Discovered in Ecstasy Tablets Sold on the Swiss Black Market

Giroud, C. ; Augsburger, M. ; Rivier, L. ; Mangin, P. ; Sadeghipour, F. ; Varesio, E. ; Veuthey, J.L. ; Kamalaprija, P. ; Kamalaprija, P.

In: Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 1998, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 345-354

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    This study sought to identify, by means of several analytical methods (GC-MS, HPLC-DAD, CE-DAD, FTIR, and NMR), 4-bromo-2,5-dimethoxyphenethylamine (2C-B), which was found in two sets of tablets obtained from the Swiss black market. Unequivocal identification of 2C-B was only achieved by a combination of mass spectrometric and NMR analysis. Quantitation of 2C-B was performed by HPLC-DAD and CE-DAD. The amounts of 2C-B found in the tablets (3-8 mg) were in the range of the minimum quantity required to induce the effects characteristic of this drug