Early Postnatal Migration and Development of Layer II Pyramidal Neurons in the Rodent Cingulate/Retrosplenial Cortex

Zgraggen, Eloisa ; Boitard, Michael ; Roman, Inge ; Kanemitsu, Michiko ; Potter, Gael ; Salmon, Patrick ; Vutskits, Laszlo ; Dayer, Alexandre G. ; Kiss, Jozsef Z.

In: Cerebral Cortex, 2012, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 144-157

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    The cingulate and retrosplenial regions are major components of the dorsomedial (dm) limbic cortex and have been implicated in a range of cognitive functions such as emotion, attention, and spatial memory. While the structure and connectivity of these cortices are well characterized, little is known about their development. Notably, the timing and mode of migration that govern the appropriate positioning of late-born neurons remain unknown. Here, we analyzed migratory events during the early postnatal period from ventricular/subventricular zone (VZ/SVZ) to the cerebral cortex by transducing neuronal precursors in the VZ/SVZ of newborn rats/mice with Tomato/green fluorescent protein-encoding lentivectors. We have identified a pool of postmitotic pyramidal precursors in the dm part of the neonatal VZ/SVZ that migrate into the medial limbic cortex during the first postnatal week. Time-lapse imaging demonstrates that these cells migrate on radial glial fibers by locomotion and display morphological and behavioral changes as they travel through the white matter and enter into the cortical gray matter. In the granular retrosplenial cortex, these cells give rise to a Satb2+ pyramidal subtype and develop dendritic bundles in layer I. Our observations provide the first insight into the patterns and dynamics of cell migration into the medial limbic cortex