Modelling the results of health promotion activities in Switzerland: development of the Swiss Model for Outcome Classification in Health Promotion and Prevention

Spencer, Brenda ; Broesskamp-Stone, Ursel ; Ruckstuhl, Brigitte ; Ackermann, Günter ; Spoerri, Adrian ; Cloetta, Bernhard

In: Health Promotion International, 2008, vol. 23, no. 1, p. 86-97

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    This paper describes the Model for Outcome Classification in Health Promotion and Prevention adopted by Health Promotion Switzerland (SMOC, Swiss Model for Outcome Classification) and the process of its development. The context and method of model development, and the aim and objectives of the model are outlined. Preliminary experience with application of the model in evaluation planning and situation analysis is reported. On the basis of an extensive literature search, the model is situated within the wider international context of similar efforts to meet the challenge of developing tools to assess systematically the activities of health promotion and prevention