Comparison of codes assessing galactic cosmic radiation exposure of aircraft crew

Bottollier-Depois, J. F. ; Beck, P. ; Bennett, B. ; Bennett, L. ; Bütikofer, R. ; Clairand, I. ; Desorgher, L. ; Dyer, C. ; Felsberger, E. ; Flückiger, E. ; Hands, A. ; Kindl, P. ; Latocha, M. ; Lewis, B. ; Leuthold, G. ; Maczka, T. ; Mares, V. ; McCall, M. J. ; O'Brien, K. ; Rollet, S. ; Rühm, W. ; Wissmann, F.

In: Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2009, vol. 136, no. 4, p. 317-323

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    The assessment of the exposure to cosmic radiation onboard aircraft is one of the preoccupations of bodies responsible for radiation protection. Cosmic particle flux is significantly higher onboard aircraft than at ground level and its intensity depends on the solar activity. The dose is usually estimated using codes validated by the experimental data. In this paper, a comparison of various codes is presented, some of them are used routinely, to assess the dose received by the aircraft crew caused by the galactic cosmic radiation. Results are provided for periods close to solar maximum and minimum and for selected flights covering major commercial routes in the world. The overall agreement between the codes, particularly for those routinely used for aircraft crew dosimetry, was better than ±20 % from the median in all but two cases. The agreement within the codes is considered to be fully satisfactory for radiation protection purposes