A comparison of microtensile and microcompression methods for studying plastic properties of nanocrystalline electrodeposited nickel at different length scales

Philippe, L. ; Schwaller, P. ; Bürki, G. ; Michler, J.

In: Journal of Materials Research, 2008, vol. 23, no. 5, p. 1383-1388

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    A comparison of microcompression and microtensile methods to study mechanical properties of electrodeposited nanocrystalline (nc) nickel has been performed. Microtensile tests that probe a volume of more than 2 × 106 μm3 show reasonable agreement with results from microcompression tests that probe much smaller volumes down to a few μm3. Differences between the two uniaxial techniques are discussed in terms of measurements errors, probed volume and surface effects, strain rate, and influence of stress state. Uniaxial solicitation in compression mode revealed several advantages for studying stress-strain properties