Tissue-engineered trachea: History, problems and the future

Tan, Qiang ; Steiner, Rudolf ; Hoerstrup, Simon P. ; Weder, Walter

In: European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2006, vol. 30, no. 5, p. 782-786

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    This review tries to summarize the efforts over the past 20 years to construct a tissue-engineered trachea. After illustrating the main technical bottlenecks faced nowadays, we discuss what might be the solutions to these bottlenecks. You may find out why the focus in this research field shifts dramatically from the construction of a tubular cartilage tissue to reepithelialization and revascularization of the prosthesis. In the end we propose a novel concept of ‘in vivo bioreactor', defined as the design of a perfusion system inside the scaffold, and explain its potential application in the construction of a tissue-engineered trachea