Sorption of Subgroup IV, V and VI Elements on Ion Exchangers from HCl/HF Solutions. Model Experiments for Chemical Studies of the Elements 105 and 106 in Aqueous Solution

Schumann, D. ; Fischer, S. ; Dressler, R. ; Taut, St ; Nitsche, H. ; Trautmann, N. ; Schädel, M. ; Brüchle, W. ; Schausten, B. ; Novgorodov, A. F. ; Misiak, R. ; Eichler, B. ; Gäggeler, H. ; Jost, D. ; Türler, A. ; Bruchertseifer, H.

In: Radiochimica Acta, 1996, vol. 72, no. 3, p. 137-142

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