Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

The competencies that school-leavers should possess in order to meet the challenges of the 21st century

Pellaud, Francine ; Shankland, Rebecca ; Blandenier, Gilles ; Dubois, Laurent ; Gey, Noémie ; Massiot, Philippe ; Gay, Philippe

In: Frontiers in Education, 2021, p. p. 1-12

The current state of the planet poses challenging ethical questions that shake up our emotions and values, thus making our choices and decisions more difficult. In order to grasp the many complex issues with which we are each confronted on a daily basis, education in sustainable development (ESD) advances competencies (Unesco, 2017) that are rooted in both cognitive and socio-emotional...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Developing self-confidence through the transformation of evaluation practices

Pellaud, Francine ; Gay, Philippe ; Blandenier, Gilles ; Massiot, Philippe ; Dubois, Laurent

In: Paradigms, Models, Scenarios and Practices for Strong Sustainability, 2020, p. 397-406

Self-confidence is the driving force behind learning. But does it not also underlie the ability to make strong and courageous decisions when faced with various challenges? With the aim to provide an education for sustainable development and ecological transition, or even an education on the state of our planet, to what extent do academic evaluation systems prevent pupils from developing the...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Environmental education to education for sustainable development : challenges and issues

Pellaud, Francine ; Ndiaye, Abdourakhmane ; Khushik, Faheem ; Arnaud Diemer

In: International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2019, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 1-14

If the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development national educational policies and strategies has taken place in a context in whichEnvironmental Education was already well established, it has been widely institutionalized by the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. a UNESCO programme. The aim of ESD is to encourage changes in education so that it can ...