Nessuna corrispondenza esatta trovata con Champagnac Jean-Daniel, utilizzo invece Champagnac Jean Daniel...
Université de Fribourg

3D cartographic modeling of the Alpine Arc

Vouillamoz, Naomi ; Sue, Christian ; Champagnac, Jean-Daniel ; Philippe, Calcagno

In: Tectonophysics, 2012, p. -

We built a 3D cartography of the alpine arc, a highly non-cylindrical mountain belt, using the 3D GeoModeller of the BRGM (French geological survey). The model allows to handle the large-scale 3D structure of seventeen major crustal units of the belt (from the lower crust to the sedimentary cover nappes), and two main discontinuities (the Insubric line and the Crustal Penninic Front). It provides...