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Università della Svizzera italiana

Lima, la moderna : migrazioni europee e sviluppo dell’architettura peruviana del XX secolo (1937-1969) : gli edifici multipiano come patrimonio architettonico

Atoche Intili, Javier ; Marandola, Marzia (Dir.) ; Grignolo, Roberta (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2021 ; 2021ARC004.

La presente ricerca indaga sul trasferimento di europei a Lima, tra gli anni Trenta e la fine degli anni Sessanta del Novecento, e si interroga sull’influenza di questo fenomeno sull’evoluzione architettonica e urbanistica nella capitale peruviana. La partecipazione di europei nella pianificazione della cosiddetta Ciudad de los Reyes, principale centro amministrativo per i territori del...

Université de Fribourg

ORBITS : Online Recovery of Missing Values in Multiple Time Series Streams

Khayati, Mourad ; Arous, Ines ; Tymchenko, Zakhar ; Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe

In: Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 2020, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 294-306

With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), time series streams have become ubiquitous in our daily life. Recording such data is rarely a perfect process, as sensor failures frequently occur, yielding occasional blocks of data that go missing in multiple time series. These missing blocks do not only affect real-time monitoring but also compromise the quality of online data analyses....

Université de Fribourg

Enigmatic dinosaur precursors bridge the gap to the origin of Pterosauria

Ezcurra, Martín D. ; Nesbitt, Sterling J. ; Bronzati, Mario ; Vecchia, Fabio Marco Dalla ; Agnolin, Federico L. ; Benson, Roger B. J. ; Egli, Federico Brissón ; Cabreira, Sergio F. ; Evers, Serjoscha W. ; Gentil, Adriel R. ; Irmis, Randall B. ; Martinelli, Agustín G. ; Novas, Fernando E. ; Silva, Lúcio Roberto da ; Smith, Nathan D. ; Stocker, Michelle R. ; Turner, Alan H. ; Langer, Max C.

In: Nature, 2020, vol. 588, no. 2020-7838, p. 445–449

Pterosaurs were the first vertebrates to evolve powered flight1 and comprised one of the main evolutionary radiations in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mesozoic era (approximately 252–66 million years ago), but their origin has remained an unresolved enigma in palaeontology since the nineteenth century2,3,4. These flying reptiles have been hypothesized to be the close relatives of a wide...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Memory T cells in latent mycobacterium tuberculosis infection are directed against three antigenic islands and largely contained in a CXCR3+CCR6+ Th1 subset

Lindestam Arlehamn, Cecilia S. ; Gerasimova, Anna ; Mele, Federico ; Henderson, Ryan ; Swann, Justine ; Greenbaum, Jason A. ; Kim, Yohan ; Sidney, John ; James, Eddie A. ; Taplitz, Randy ; McKinney, Denise M. ; Kwok, William W. ; Grey, Howard ; Sallusto, Federica ; Peters, Bjoern ; Sette, Alessandro

In: Plos pathogens, 2013, vol. 9, no. 1, p. e1003130

An understanding of the immunological footprint of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) CD4 T cell recognition is still incomplete. Here we report that human Th1 cells specific for MTB are largely contained in a CXCR3+CCR6+ memory subset and highly focused on three broadly immunodominant antigenic islands, all related to bacterial secretion systems. Our results refute the notion that secreted...

Université de Fribourg

D2 histosketch: discriminative and dynamic similarity-preserving sketching of streaming histograms

Yang, Dingqi ; Li, Bin ; Rettig, Laura ; Cudré-Mauroux, Philippe

In: IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2018, p. 1–1

Histogram-based similarity has been widely adopted in many machine learning tasks. However, measuring histogram similarity is a challenging task for streaming histograms, where the elements of a histogram are observed one after the other in an online manner. The ever-growing cardinality of histogram elements over the data streams makes any similarity computation inefficient in that case. To...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Pensare in piccolo per costruire in grande : teoria, prassi e cultura del modello in scala ridotta nella ricerca della forma strutturale nel 20. secolo

Neri, Gabriele

In: Form-finding, form-shaping, designing architecture : experimental, aesthetical, and ethical approaches to form in recent and postwar architecture = approcci sperimentali, estetici ed etici alla forma in architettura, dal dopoguerra ad oggi, 2015, p. 33-47

Università della Svizzera italiana

Liquid stream processing on the web : a JavaScript framework

Babazadeh, Masiar ; Pautasso, Cesare (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2017 ; 2017INFO015.

The Web is rapidly becoming a mature platform to host distributed applications. Pervasive computing application running on the Web are now common in the era of the Web of Things, which has made it increasingly simple to integrate sensors and microcontrollers in our everyday life. Such devices are of great in- terest to Makers with basic Web development skills. With them, Makers are able to...

Université de Fribourg

Due tavole della Vergine nella Toscana occidentale del primo Duecento

Bacci, Michele

In: Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, 1997/IV/2/1/1-59

Université de Fribourg

Luoghi devoti e committenza privata nella Toscana del Trecento

Bacci, Michele

In: Santuari cristiani d’Italia. Committenze e fruizione tra Medioevo e età moderna, Proceedings of a symposium (Isola Polvese, 11-13 September 2001, 2003, p. 127-144

Université de Fribourg

Spazi sacri e rappresentazione del potere nella Cipro dei Lusignano

Bacci, Michele

In: Medioevo: la Chiesa e il Palazzo, proceedings of the international congress held in Parma, 2007, p. 183-192