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Université de Fribourg

Tradizione, sperimentalismo, innovazione : Per l’edizione delle opere teatrali di Luigi Groto

Clerc, Sandra

In: Studi giraldiani. Letteratura e teatro, 2020, vol. 6, p. 95-110

Questo contributo dà notizia di un progetto, avviato all’Università di Friburgo (Svizzera), incentrato su Luigi Groto e sulla sua produzione teatrale, della quale si prevede di fornire la prima edizione commentata. Letterato poliedrico, la cui notorietà conobbe alterne fortune, Groto mandò a stampa otto pièces, che spaziano dalla tragedia alla commedia, fino alla favola pastorale e al...

Université de Fribourg

Helvetic Henry? A Swiss adaptation of Henry V, or something near enough

Dutton, Elisabeth

In: Staging History: Essays in Late-Medieval and Humanist Drama, 2021, p. 247-266

This article describes the processes of translation, cutting and rearrangement by which Shakespeare’s Henry V, a play often identified with ‘Britishness’, is adapted for a modern Swiss audience. As a play celebrating a national ‘hero’ and a military history largely unknown to the Swiss, Henry V is adapted to an exploration of political power in the abstract, in particular the...

Université de Fribourg

The Impact of Response Measures on COVID-19-Related Hospitalization and Death Rates in Germany and Switzerland

Huber, Martin ; Feuerriegel, Stefan

In: Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2020, vol. 156, no. 10, p. 1-19

We assess the impact of the timing of lockdown measures implemented in Germany and Switzerland on cumulative COVID-19-related hospitalization and death rates. Our analysis exploits the fact that the epidemic was more advanced in some regions than in others when certain lockdown measures came into force, based on measuring health outcomes relative to the region-specific start of the epidemic...

Université de Fribourg

Luc-Actes : un tour de force littéraire et théologique

Morgan, James

In: Hokhma : revue de réflexion théologique, 2013, vol. 103, p. 9-29

L’étude de la Bible pour l’édification de l’Église reste la voie royale. L’Évangile selon Luc et les Actes des Apôtres représentent une partie importante du Nouveau Testament qu’il vaut la peine d’exploiter. Ces deux livres, qui devaient avoir, à l’origine, la forme de deux grands rouleaux adressés à Théophile, occupent cinquante-deux chapitres dans nos Bibles actuelles....

Université de Fribourg

Macbeth and the Croxton Play of the Sacrament : Blood and Belief in Early English Stagecraft

Dutton, Elisabeth

In: Blood Matters: Studies in European Literature and Thought, 1400-1700, 2018, p. 183-197

This essay discusses blood as 'proof' in the late fifteenth-century Croxton Play of the Sacrament, and in Shakespeare's Macbeth. In Croxton, a bloody severed hand becomes a mark of the guilt of Jew Jonathas in torturing the eucharistic wafer; both Macbeth and his wife repeatedly allude to the ease or difficulty of washing blood off their murdering hands. Drawing evidence from historical...

Université de Fribourg

The Quest for a Perfect Death. Thoughts on Death and Dying in the Future

Zimmermann-Acklin, Markus

In: Proceedings from the Societas Ethica Annual Conference 2011, The Quest for perfection. The Future of Medicine/Medicine of the future, August 25–28, 2011, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland, 2013, p. 75-83

From the title of the conference I’d like to call my essay The quest for a perfect death. Thoughts on death and dying in the future. I’ve divided my text into three parts: In the first almost descriptive and hermeneutical part I give some insights into present social developments concerning death and dying in our high income societies. Inspired by the guiding questions in the program of...

Université de Fribourg

Le mythos dans la Poétique d'Aristote et l'exégèse biblique: impasse ou clé de lecture?

Morgan, James

In: Hokhma, 2015, vol. 108, p. 97-123

Cet article explore les liens entre le sens de mythos dans la Poétique d’Aristote, l’historiographie et les écrits de Luc comme texte de comparaison pour les récits bibliques2. La question est placée dans un cadre plus large, notamment le rapport entre l’exégèse biblique et les approches littéraires, anciennes et nouvelles. Il peut sembler étrange de commencer par Aristote....