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Università della Svizzera italiana

How smartphone use becomes problematic : application of the ALT-SR model to study the predicting role of personality traits

Marciano, Laura ; Schulz, Peter Johannes ; Camerini, Anne-Linda

In: Computers in human behavior, 2021, vol. 119, no. June, p. 14 p

Smartphones have become a ubiquitous part of adolescents' life, and studies have repeatedly revealed a positive association between smartphone use (SU) and problematic smartphone use (PSU). However, longitudinal research investigating the reciprocal relationship among SU and PSU during adolescence are scarce, and studies that take into consideration personality traits as predisposing factors...

Université de Fribourg

New data on early Oligocene dormice (Rodentia, Gliridae) from southern Europe : Phylogeny and diversification of the family

Lu, Xiaoyu ; Costeur, Loïc ; Hugueney, Marguerite ; Maridet, Olivier

In: Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2021, p. 1-21

Rodents of the extant family Gliridae, commonly called dormice, are common in European faunas since the early Eocene. Here we study for the first time specimens from St-Martin-de-Castillon C (France, early Oligocene) previously reported as Gliravus aff. majori and Pseudodryomys aff. fugax. We now refer them to Butseloglis tenuis and Microdyromys misonnei. Besides the French material, new...

Università della Svizzera italiana

The relationship between social anxiety, smartphone use, dispositional trust, and problematic smartphone use : a moderated mediation model

Annoni, Anna Maria ; Petrocchi, Serena ; Camerini, Anne-Linda ; Marciano, Laura

In: International journal of environmental research and public health, 2021, vol. 18, no. 5, p. 15 p

Background: The pervasiveness of smartphones has raised concerns about an increase in the prevalence of problematic smartphone use (PSU), which depends on a set of psychological and behavioral risk factors. Previous research has yielded mixed results on factors predicting PSU, including social anxiety and trust. In particular, the role of trust remained largely unexplored. In the present study,...

Université de Fribourg

Understanding uncertainty in the Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (ICAT) assessments

Probert, Anna F. ; Volery, Lara ; Kumschick, Sabrina ; Vimercati, Giovanni ; Bacher, Sven

In: NeoBiota, 2020, vol. 62, p. 387–405

The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) and the Socio- Economic Impact Classification of Alien Taxa (SEICAT) have been proposed to provide unified methods for classifying alien species according to their magnitude of impacts. EICAT and SEICAT (herein “ICAT” when refered together) were designed to facilitate the comparison between taxa and invasion contexts by using a...

Université de Fribourg

Improving the Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT): a summary of revisions to the framework and guidelines

Volery, Lara ; Blackburn, Tim M. ; Bertolino, Sandro ; Evans, Thomas ; Genovesi, Piero ; Kumschick, Sabrina ; Roy, Helen E. ; Smith, Kevin G. ; Bacher, Sven

In: NeoBiota, 2020, vol. 62, p. 547–567

The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) classifies the impacts caused by alien species in their introduced range in standardised terms across taxa and recipient environments. Impacts are classified into one of five levels of severity, from Minimal Concern to Massive, via one of 12 impact mechanisms. Here, we explain revisions based on an IUCN-wide consultation process...

Université de Fribourg

Appropriate uses of EICAT protocol, data and classifications

Kumschick, Sabrina ; Bacher, Sven ; Bertolino, Sandro ; Blackburn, Tim M. ; Evans, Thomas ; Roy, Helen E. ; Smith, Kevin

In: NeoBiota, 2020, vol. 62, p. 193–212

The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT) can be used to classify alien taxa according to the magnitude and type of their environmental impacts. The EICAT protocol, classifications of alien taxa using the protocol (EICAT classification) and the data underpinning classifications (EICAT data) are increasingly used by scientists and practitioners such as governments, NGOs...

Université de Fribourg

Application of the Socio-Economic Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (SEICAT) to a global assessment of alien bird impacts

Evans, Thomas ; Blackburn, Tim M. ; Jeschke, Jonathan M. ; Probert, Anna F. ; Bacher, Sven

In: NeoBiota, 2020, vol. 62, p. 123–142

We use a recently proposed framework, the Socio-Economic Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (SEICAT) to undertake the first global assessment of the impacts of alien birds on human well-being. A review of the published literature and online resources was undertaken to collate information on the reported socio-economic impacts of 415 bird species with self-sustaining alien populations...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Neuroticism in the digital age : a meta-analysis

Marciano, Laura ; Camerini, Anne-Linda ; Schulz, Peter J.

In: Computers in human behavior reports, 2020, vol. 2, no. August–December, p. 14 p

The pervasiveness of the Internet has raised concern about its (problematic) use and the potentially negative impact on people's health. Neuroticism has been identified as one potential risk factor of Internet and other online addictions. To obtain a comprehensive quantitative synthesis of the association of neuroticism and both overall and problematic Internet activities, a meta-analysis was...