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Université de Fribourg

Notes on the cheek region of the Late Jurassic theropod dinosaur Allosaurus

Evers, Serjoscha W. ; Foth, Christian ; Rauhut, Oliver W.M.

In: PeerJ, 2020, vol. 8, p. e8493

Allosaurus, from the Late Jurassic of North America and Europe, is a model taxon for Jurassic basal tetanuran theropod dinosaurs. It has achieved an almost iconic status due to its early discovery in the late, 19th century, and due to the abundance of material from the Morrison Formation of the western U.S.A., making Allosaurus one of the best-known theropod taxa. Despite this, various...

Université de Fribourg

Late Jurassic theropod dinosaur bones from the Langenberg Quarry (Lower Saxony, Germany) provide evidence for several theropod lineages in the central European archipelago

Evers, Serjoscha W. ; Wings, Oliver

In: PeerJ, 2020, vol. 8, p. e8437

Marine limestones and marls in the Langenberg Quarry provide unique insights into a Late Jurassic island ecosystem in central Europe. The beds yield a varied assemblage of terrestrial vertebrates including extremely rare bones of theropod from theropod dinosaurs, which we describe here for the first time. All of the theropod bones belong to relatively small individuals but represent a wide...

Haute Ecole de Travail Social

Das Beziehungsdreieck von Klient, Beiständin und Kindes- und Erwachsenenschutzbehörde (KESB): Erleben und Handlungsstrategien der involvierten Akteure

Perren, Fabienne ; Voll, Peter (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole de Travail Social, 2019.

In vorliegender Bachelorthesis geht es um das Beziehungsdreieck Klient-Beiständin-KESB. Das Ziel ist es herauszufinden, wie dieselbe Situation von den verschiedenen Beteiligten interpretiert wird und welche Strategien in der Zusammenarbeit angewendet werden. Da das Erwachsenenschutzrecht die Grundlage für die Arbeit der Beiständin und der KESB ist, wurden die wichtigsten Gesetzesartikel in...

Università della Svizzera italiana

When and how java developers give up static type safety

Mastrangelo, Luis ; Hauswirth, Matthias (Dir.) ; Nystrom, Nathaniel (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2019 ; 2019INFO008.

The main goal of a static type system is to prevent certain kinds of errors from happening at run time. A type system is formulated as a set of constraints that gives any expression or term in a program a well-defined type. Besides detecting these kinds of errors, a static type system can be an invaluable maintenance tool, can be useful for documentation purposes, and can aid in generating ...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Advances in barycentric rational interpolation of a function and its derivatives

Cirillo, Emiliano ; Hormann, Kai (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2019 ; 2019INFO007.

Linear barycentric rational interpolants are a particular kind of rational interpolants, defined by weights that are independent of the function f. Such interpolants have recently proved to be a viable alternative to more classical interpolation methods, such as global polynomial interpolants and splines, especially in the equispaced setting. Other kinds of interpolants might indeed suffer...

Université de Fribourg

Counting calories in Drosophila diet restriction

Min, Kyung-Jin ; Flatt, Thomas ; Kulaots, Indrek ; Tatar, Marc

In: Experimental Gerontology, 2006, vol. 42, no. 3, p. 247-251

The extension of life span by diet restriction in Drosophila has been argued to occur without limiting calories. Here we directly measure the calories assimilated by flies when maintained on full- and restricted-diets. We find that caloric intake is reduced on all diets that extend life span. Flies on low-yeast diet are long-lived and consume about half the calories of flies on high-yeast diets,...

Université de Fribourg

Spatial scaling, proportional thinking, and numerical understanding in 5- to 7-year-old children

Möhring, Wenke ; Frick, Andrea ; Newcombe, Nora S.

In: Cognitive Development, 2018, vol. 45, p. 57-67

The present study investigated the role of spatial scaling and proportional-reasoning skills in children’s number-line estimations. Proportional strategies in number-line estimations might suggest that correlations between number-line knowledge and scaling are driven by proportional thinking. However, analyses of data on spatial scaling, proportional reasoning, counting skills, and...