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Université de Fribourg

Spatial and temporal analysis of meso- and microplastic pollution in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas

Caldwell, Jessica ; Muff, Livius F. ; Pham, Christopher K. ; Petri-Fink, Alke ; Rothen-Rutishauser, Barbara ; Lehner, Roman

In: Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, vol. 159, p. 111515

Areas like the Mediterranean coastlines, which have high population density, represent locations of high pollution risk for surrounding environments. Thus, this study aims to compare data on the abundance, size, and composition of buoyant plastic particles collected during two weeks in 2019 in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas with data from 2018. The results from 2019 show average meso- and ...

Université de Fribourg

Partitioning the uncertainty of ensemble projections of global glacier mass change

Marzeion, Ben ; Hock, Regine ; Anderson, Brian ; Bliss, Andrew ; Champollion, Nicolas ; Fujita, Koji ; Huss, Matthias ; Immerzeel, Walter W. ; Kraaijenbrink, Philip ; Malles, Jan‐Hendrik ; Maussion, Fabien ; Radić, Valentina ; Rounce, David R. ; Sakai, Akiko ; Shannon, Sarah ; Wal, Roderik ; Zekollari, Harry

In: Earth’s Future, 2020, vol. 8, no. 7, p. -

Glacier mass loss is recognized as a major contributor to current sea level rise. However, large uncertainties remain in projections of glacier mass loss on global and regional scales. We present an ensemble of 288 glacier mass and area change projections for the 21st century based on 11 glacier models using up to 10 general circulation models and four Representative Concentration Pathways...

Université de Fribourg

Cold-water coral mound archive provides unique insights into intermediate water mass dynamics in the alboran sea during the last deglaciation

Fentimen, Robin ; Feenstra, Eline ; Rüggeberg, Andres ; Vennemann, Torsten ; Hajdas, Irka ; Adatte, Thierry ; Van Rooij, David ; Foubert, Anneleen

In: Frontiers in Marine Science, 2020, vol. 7, p. -

The Alboran Sea is widely recognized to host numerous cold-water coral ecosystems, including the East Melilla Coral Province. Yet, their development through time and response to climatic variability has still to be fully understood. Based on a combined investigation of benthic foraminiferal assemblages, foraminiferal stable isotope compositions, grain size analysis, sediment geochemistry, and...

Université de Fribourg

Brief communication: Ad hoc estimation of glacier contributions to sea-level rise from the latest glaciological observations

Zemp, Michael ; Huss, Matthias ; Eckert, Nicolas ; Thibert, Emmanuel ; Paul, Frank ; Nussbaumer, Samuel U. ; Gärtner-Roer, Isabelle

In: The Cryosphere, 2020, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 1043–1050

Comprehensive assessments of global glacier mass changes based on a variety of observations and prevailing methodologies have been published at multi-annual intervals. For the years in between, the glaciological method provides annual observations of specific mass changes but is suspected to not be representative at the regional to global scales due to uneven glacier distribution with...

Université de Fribourg

The relationship of obesity predicting decline in executive functioning is attenuated with greater leisure activities in old age

Ihle, Andreas ; Gouveia, Élvio R. ; Gouveia, Bruna R. ; Zuber, Sascha ; Mella, Nathalie ; Desrichard, Olivier ; Cullati, Stéphane ; Oris, Michel ; Maurer, Jürgen ; Kliegel, Matthias

In: Aging & Mental Health, 2019, p. 1–8

Objectives: We investigated the longitudinal relationship between obesity and subsequent decline in executive functioning over six years as measured through performance changes in the Trail Making Test (TMT). We also examined whether this longitudinal relationship differed by key markers of cognitive reserve (education, occupation, and leisure activities), taking into account age, sex, and...

Université de Fribourg

Sedimentary record of arc-continent collision along mesozoic SW north america (Siuna belt, Nicaragua)

Andjić, Goran ; Escuder‐Viruete, Javier ; Baumgartner‐Mora, Claudia ; Baumgartner, Peter O. ; Mitchell, Simon F. ; Caron, Michèle ; Caus, Esmeralda

In: Tectonics, 2019, vol. 38, no. 12, p. 4399–4425

The western margin of the Caribbean Plate is a typical example where oceanic and continental terranes have amalgamated by subduction, collision, and strike‐slip processes. The boundaries between these blocks, as well as their tectonostratigraphic records, are generally covered by younger deposits and dense tropical vegetation, which may hamper reconstructing the accretionary evolution of...