Université de Fribourg

Dose-dependent heart rate responses to drinking water: a randomized crossover study in young, non-obese males

Grasser, Erik Konrad

In: Clinical Autonomic Research, 2020, p. -

The aim of the study was to explore a potential dose effect of water on heart rate responses and markers of vagal tone modulation.Methods: This was a randomized crossover study involving eight men whose heart rate and heart rate variability parameters were continuously measured following ingestion of different volumes of still mineral water (200, 400, 600, and 800 mL).Results: A significant...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Sophie Lambolez. "Dites donc il fonctionne pas ce machin." : Regard sur le support informatique

Greco, Sara

In: Studies in communication sciences, 2017, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 131-133

Sophie Lambolez. « Dites donc il fonctionne pas ce machin. » Regard sur le support informatique. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2016, pp. 198. With a preface by Alain Trognon and Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont. ISBN 978-2-343-09716-9. This volume, appeared for the book series « Figures de l’interaction » (figures of interaction) published by L’Harmattan, deals with communication processes within a...