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Université de Fribourg

Of circuits and brains: the origin and diversification of neural architectures

Martinez, Pedro ; Sprecher, Simon G.

In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2020, vol. 8, p. 82

Nervous systems are complex cellular structures that allow animals to interact with their environment, which includes both the external and the internal milieu. The astonishing diversity of nervous system architectures present in all animal clades has prompted the idea that selective forces must have shaped them over evolutionary time. In most cases, neurons seem to coalesce into specific ...

  • Sprecher Specialty section: This article was submitted to Evolutionary Developmental Biology, a section of the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution Received: 13 January 2020 Accepted: 12 March 2020 Published: 27 March 2020 Citation: Martinez P and Sprecher SG (2020) Of Circuits and Brains: The Origin and Diversification of Neural Architectures....
  • Evol. 6:130. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2018.00130 Martinez, P., Perea-Atienza, E., Gavilán, B., Fernandez, C., and Sprecher, S. (2017)....
  • Copyright © 2020 Martinez and Sprecher....
Université de Fribourg

Two pairs of drosophila central brain neurons mediate larval navigational strategies based on temporal light information processing

Humberg, Tim-Henning ; Sprecher, Simon G.

In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2018, vol. 12, p. -

Some animals are attracted by sun light, others are highly repulsed by it. Especially for slowly moving animals, such as Drosophila larvae, direct sunlight may be perceived as noxious stimulus as it increases the risk of desiccation, DNA-damaging by UV-light and exposure to predators. For several reasons, model organisms like Drosophila larvae are well-suited for investigating how light cues...

  • Sprecher Received: 13 September 2018 Accepted: 26 November 2018 Published: 05 December 2018 Citation: Humberg T-H and Sprecher SG (2018) Two Pairs of Drosophila Central Brain Neurons Mediate Larval Navigational Strategies Based on Temporal Light Information Processing....
  • H., and Sprecher, S....
  • Copyright © 2018 Humberg and Sprecher....
Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Asymmetrische Plurizentrizität und Sprachbewusstsein

Scharloth, Joachim

In: Zeitschrift für germanistische Linguistik, 2005, vol. 33, no. 2-3, p. 236-267

  • Um den Einfluss des Sprachprestiges eines Sprechers präziser zu messen, bekam eine Kontrollgruppe (n = 15) die gleichen Sätze ausschließlich vom schweizerischen Sprecher vorgespielt....
  • Deutsche gelten offenbar generell als kompetentere Sprecher der Standardsprache....
  • Aus der Sicht der Sprecher gibt es keine Plurizentrizität im Sinne der Linguistik....
Université de Fribourg

Age- and wavelength-dependency of drosophila larval phototaxis and behavioral responses to natural lighting conditions

Humberg, Tim-Henning ; Sprecher, Simon G.

In: Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 2017, vol. 11, p. -

Animals use various environmental cues as key determinant for their behavioral decisions. Visual systems are hereby responsible to translate light-dependent stimuli into neuronal encoded information. Even though the larval eyes of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster are comparably simple, they comprise two types of photoreceptor neurons (PRs), defined by different Rhodopsin genes expressed....

  • S., and Sprecher, S....
  • H., Fritsch, C., and Sprecher, S....
  • Copyright © 2017 Humberg and Sprecher....
Université de Fribourg

Successive requirement of Glass and Hazy for photoreceptor specification and maintenance in Drosophila

Bernardo-Garcia, F. Javier ; Humberg, Tim-Henning ; Fritsch, Cornelia ; Sprecher, Simon G.

In: Fly, 2017, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 112–120

Development of the insect compound eye requires a highly controlled interplay between transcription factors. However, the genetic mechanisms that link early eye field specification to photoreceptor terminal differentiation and fate maintenance remain largely unknown. Here, we decipher the function of 2 transcription factors, Glass and Hazy, which play a central role during photoreceptor...

  • J., Fritsch, C., Sprecher, S....
  • Sprecher....
  • Sprecher References [1] Tsachaki M, Sprecher SG....
Titre de presse
75 ans, 18482 éditions
Bibliothèque de la ville de la Chaux-de-Fonds

La Sentinelle : quotidien socialiste

La Chaux de Fonds : [successivement] Union des sociétés ouvrières, Société d'Edition et de propagande socialiste, Parti ouvrier, Parti ouvrier suisse, Parti socialiste neuchâtelois et jurassien, "La Sentinelle"

Année 1, no 1 (4.1.1890) - année 76, no 224 (30.9.1965)

  • 21 nov. 1964: Wicki, Giroud, Sprecher (Serv.)....
  • 9 nov. 1964: . — Y oung-Sprinters : N eipp ; Paroz, W icky; Tenconi, Schneeberger; M arti­ ni, Grenacher, Spichty; Santschi, Sprecher, Kehrli....
  • 13 mai 1964: Ducommun-dit-Boudry Uean-Claude, em ployé de banque, et Sprecher EricaMaja, les deux è Neuchàtel. 9....
  • Voir les 79 résultats dans la page du journal «La Sentinelle»
  • Jahrhunderts fast ausschliesslich in den Reihen der Familien Buol, Guler und Sprecher....
  • Simon Salis-Zizers, Commissari Gugelberg, M....
  • Ebenso verschwinden die Planta und Sprecher fast ganz....
Titre de presse
66 ans, 12000 éditions
Médiathèque Valais

Journal et feuille d'avis du Valais

Sion : [s.n.], 1903-1968

Année 1(1929)-année 30(1960)

Université de Fribourg

Plasticity in the Drosophila larval visual system

Farca-Luna, Abud J. ; Sprecher, Simon G.

In: Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 2013, vol. 7, p. 105

The remarkable ability of the nervous system to modify its structure and function is mostly experience and activity modulated. The molecular basis of neuronal plasticity has been studied in higher behavioral processes, such as learning and memory formation. However, neuronal plasticity is not restricted to higher brain functions and it may provide a basic feature of adaptation of all neural...

  • Farca-Luna and Simon G....
  • Nature 454, 533–537. doi: 10.1038/nature 07062 Sprecher, S....
  • S., and Sprecher, S....
  • Aufgrund der Aussprache erkennen wir die Nationalität deutsch sprechender Personen, und zwar selbst dann, wenn es sich, wie es im Radio meistens der Fall ist, um Berufssprecherinnen und -sprecher handelt....
  • Simon Enzler, Kabarettist Das stimmt natürlich nicht ganz....
  • " ] aus, und zwar nicht nur in der Umgangssprache, sondern auch auch gebildete Sprecher in formeller Sprache....