Université de Fribourg

Predicting perceptions of the lexical richness of short French, German, and Portuguese texts using text-based indices

Vanhove, Jan ; Bonvin, Audrey ; Lambelet, Amelia ; Berthele, Raphael

In: Journal of Writing Research, 2019, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 499-525

We investigated how well readers’ perceptions of the lexical richness of short texts can be predicted on the basis of automatically computable indices of the texts’ lexical properties. 3,060 French, German and Portuguese texts (between 9 and 284 words long) written by 8- to 10-year-olds were rated for their lexical richness by between 3 and 18 uninstructed raters, and over 150 indices were...

Université de Fribourg

L’allemand, langue officielle de la ville de Fribourg ? État des lieux et analyse historique, juridique et sociolinguistique : Rapport à l’attention du Conseil communal de Fribourg

Coray, Renata ; Berthele, Raphael

La question de la place de l’allemand dans le canton et la ville de Fribourg fait débat depuis des décennies déjà. De nombreux rapports scientifiques, expertises et interventions politiques en attestent. La Constitution du canton de Fribourg (Cst. FR) retient que le français et l’allemand sont les langues officielles du canton et que leur utilisation est réglée dans le respect du...

Université de Fribourg

Deutsch als Amtssprache der Stadt Freiburg i.Ü.? Bestandesaufnahme und Analysen aus historischer, juristischer und soziolinguistischer Perspektive : Bericht zuhanden des Gemeinderates von Freiburg

Coray, Renata ; Berthele, Raphael

Die Frage der Stellung von Deutsch im Kanton und in der Stadt Freiburg beschäftigt die Öffentlichkeit schon seit Jahrzehnten. Zahlreiche wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Gutachten und politische Vorstösse zeugen davon. Heute sind Französisch und Deutsch als Amtssprachen des Kantons und ihr Gebrauch in Achtung des Territorialitätsprinzips in der Verfassung verankert (Art. 6 Abs. 1 und 2 KV...

Université de Fribourg

The lifespan development of cognate guessing skills in an unknown related language

Vanhove, Jan ; Berthele, Raphael

In: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 2015, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 1-38

This study investigates the lifespan development of the ability to correctly guess the meaning of foreign-language words with known translation-equivalent cognates. It also aims to identify the cognitive and linguistic factors driving this development. To this end, 159 German-speaking Swiss participants aged 10 to 86 were asked to translate 45 written and 45 spoken isolated Swedish words with...

Université de Fribourg

Interactions between formal distance and participant-related variables in receptive multilingualism

Vanhove, Jan ; Berthele, Raphael

In: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 2017, vol. 55, no. 1, p. 23-40

Recognizing cognates in a related but unknown language (Lx) is of key importance in receptive multilingualism. Many studies have consequently investigated the impact of both item-related characteristics (most notably the cognates’ formal distance to their L1/L2 counterparts) and participant-related variables (e. g., the make-up of the participants’ linguistic repertoires) on Lx cognate...

Université de Fribourg

Demography vs. Legitimacy : Current issues in Swiss language policy

Berthele, Raphael

In: Cahiers de l'Institut de Linguistique et des Sciences Du Langage

This paper discusses current language policy debates on national and immigrated languages in Switzerland. Problems with the principle of territoriality, which represents a locally monolingual regime in an officially quadrilingual country, and other issues related to the legal status of languages are discussed. The proportional representation of the national minorities and the use of their...