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Università della Svizzera italiana

A novel prostate cell type-specific gene signature to interrogate prostate tumor differentiation status and monitor therapeutic response (running title: Phenotypic classification of prostate tumors)

Mapelli, Sarah N. ; Albino, Domenico ; Mello-Grand, Maurizia ; Shinde, Dheeraj ; Scimeca, Manuel ; Bonfiglio, Rita ; Bonanno, Elena ; Chiorino, Giovanna ; Garcia-Escudero, Ramon ; Catapano, Carlo V. ; Carbone, Giuseppina M.

In: Cancers, 2020, vol. 12, no. 1, p. 23 p

In this study, we extracted prostate cell-specific gene sets (metagenes) to define the epithelial differentiation status of prostate cancers and, using a deconvolution-based strategy, interrogated thousands of primary and metastatic tumors in public gene profiling datasets. We identified a subgroup of primary prostate tumors with low luminal epithelial enrichment (LumElow). LumElow tumors were...