Université de Fribourg

Differential responses of three grapevine cultivars to Botryosphaeria dieback

Spagnolo, Alessandro ; Magnin-Robert, Maryline ; Alayi, Tchilabalo Dilezitoko ; Cilindre, Clara ; Schaeffer-Reiss, Christine ; Dorsselaer, Alain Van ; Clément, Christophe ; Larignon, Philippe ; Suero-Ramirez, Monserrat ; Chong, Julie ; Bertsch, Christophe ; Abou-Mansour, Eliane ; Fontaine, Florence

In: Phytopathology, 2014, p. -

Botryosphaeria dieback is a fungal grapevine trunk disease which represents a threat for viticulture worldwide due to the decreased production of affected plants and their premature death. This dieback is characterized by a typical wood discoloration called “brown stripe”. Herein, a proteome comparison of the brown striped wood from Botryosphaeria dieback-affected standing vines cultivar...