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Université de Fribourg

Short-term cardiovascular responses to ingestion of mineral water in healthy non-obese adults: Impact of mineral components

Monnard, Cathriona Rosemary ; Montani, Jean-Pierre ; Grasser, Erik Konrad

In: Journal of Functional Foods, 2020, vol. 71, p. 104017

Background: The role of mineral components in the hemodynamic response to water drinking is still elusive.Methods: We conducted a randomized crossover study in 16 non-obese, healthy subjects (8 women) to investigate cardiovascular responses to water drinks differing in the mineral content. Continuous measurements included beat- to-beat blood pressure, electrocardiography derived RR-intervals,...

  • G., & Montani, J....
  • L., Montani, J....
  • Jean-Pierre Montani: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing - review & editing, Supervision....
  • Van Vliet, and Jean-Pierre Montani We have previously reported that weight gain induced by high-fat diet (HFD) leads to an increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP, ؉14%) and heart rate (HR, ؉31%) in the adult rabbit....
  • Address correspondence and reprint requests to Jean-Pierre Montani, MD, Institute of Physiology, University of Fribourg, Rue du Musee 5, CH-1700 Fribourg, Switzerland; e-mail: jean-pierre. ´ © 2000 by the American Journal of Hypertension, Ltd....
  • Montani JP, Mizelle HL, Van Vliet BN, Adair TH: Advantages of continuous measurement of cardiac output 24 h a day....
  • Abdul G Dulloo Jean-Pierre Montani Department of Medicine/Physiology University of Fribourg ´ Chemin du Musee 5 1700 Fribourg Switzerland email: References Abbott RD, Ross GW, White LR, Nelson JS, Masaki KH, Tanner CM, Curb JD, Blanchette PL, Popper JS & Petrovitch H (2002) Midlife adiposity and the future risk of Parkinson’s disease....
  • Crescenzo R, Samec S, Antic V, Rohner-Jeanrenaud F, Seydoux J, Montani JP & Dulloo AG (2003) A role for suppressed thermogenesis favoring catch-up fat in the pathophysiology of catch-up growth....
  • Dulloo AG, Jacquet J & Montani JP (2002) Pathways from weight fluctuations to metabolic diseases: focus on maladaptive thermogenesis during catch-up fat....
Print Media
66 ans, 12000 éditions
Médiathèque Valais

Journal et feuille d'avis du Valais

Sion : [s.n.], 1903-1968

Année 1(1929)-année 30(1960)

  • Nov 13, 2009: Lejuge fédéral Pierre Ferrari qui prenait sa retraite ce même jour avec François C cien chancelier (photo 0....
  • Nov 6, 2009: Lorsque le nougatier de Montana, M....
  • Oct 30, 2009: Alors commençons tout de suite à déplacer des petites pierres....
  • See the 6'955 results in the newspaper "Confédéré"
Médiathèque Valais

Tabula gratoria

In: Vallesia : bulletin annuel de la Bibliothèque et des Archives cantonales du Valais, des Musées de Valère et de la Majorie = Jahrbuch der Walliser Kantonsbibliothek, des Staatsarchivs und der Museen von Valeria und Majoria, 1978, p. 557-563

  • BÜRDET, Carouge Antoine BURGENER, Sion René CAFLISCH, Payerne Claude-Alexandre CAILLER, Broc Claude CALAME, Prilly André CALOZ, Collombey Mme Jacques CALPINI, Sion Pierre CALPINI, Sion Jean-Daniel CANDAUX, Genève Albert CARLEN, Sion Louis CARLEN, Brig Marthe CARRON, Bagnes-Le Châble Félix CARRUZZO, Sion Maurice CASANOVA, Bevaix t Ulysse CASANOVA, Saint-Maurice Gaétan CASSINA, Sion Maurice CHAPPAZ, Veyras Jean-Pierre CHAPUISAT, La Tour-de-Peilz Pierre-A....
  • CHARPIÉ, Lausanne Philippe CHASTELLAIN, Martigny Jean de CHASTONAY, Sierre Jean-Louis de CHASTONAY, Sierre Pierre de CHASTONAY, Sierre Edouard CHERIX, Bramois Georges-André CHEVALLAZ, Berne Willy-Daniel CHEVALLEY, Lausanne Marc CHOUET, Genève Jean-Pierre CHUARD, Lausanne Pierre CLAIVAZ, Martigny Max CLAVIEN, Miège Herman CLERCKX, Etterbeek (B) Charles CLEUSIX, Sion Jean CLEUSIX, Leytron Gaston CLOTTU, Saint-Blaise Olivier CLOTTU, Saint-Blaise Roger de COCATRIX, Payerne Paul COLLART, Cologny Gilbert COLLETTE, Dorénaz Henry COLLOMB, Lausanne Gabriel CONSTANTIN, Sion Pierre CONTAT, Sion César COQUOZ, Saint-Maurice Georges COQUOZ, Riddes 558 Andrée COUCHEPIN, Martigny Pascal COUCHEPIN, Martigny René COUCHEPIN, Berne/Wabern Mme Eugène de COURTEN, Sion Henri de COURTEN, Montana Peter de COURTEN, Riehen Jean COURVOISIER, Neuchâtel Pierre CRETTAZ, Zürich Jeanne CRETTON, Sion Pierre CRITTIN, Martigny Jean-Claude CROTTAZ, Morges André CUANILLON, Lausanne Georges CURTET, Collonge-Bellerive Hermann DAENZER, Echallens Jean-Pierre DAEPPEN, Vevey Raphaël DALLÈVES, Sion Candide DARBELLA Y, Orsières Victor DARBELLAY-MAX, Liddes Pierre DARIOLI, Zoug Jean-Louis DÉCOMBAZ, Lausanne Henri DÉCOMBAZ, Lutry Marius DÉCOMBAZ, Vevey Raymond DEFERR, Monthey Ami DELALOYE, Martigny Gérard DELALOYE, Lausanne Ignace DELALOYE, Ardon Léonce DELALOYE, Monthey Pierre DELALOYE, Ardon Maurice DELÉGLISE, Sion Bertrand DÉLEZ, Vernayaz Jean DELMONTE, Monthey Amédée DÉNÉRIAZ, Sion Michel DEPOISIER, Renens René DESLARZES, Sion Olivier DESSEMONTET, Lausanne Joseph-Marie DETORRENTÉ, Monthey Gérard DEUBER, Russin Roger DEVOS, Annecy Maurice DIND, Pully Michèle DING-WAGNER, Corseaux Adrien DOLIVO, Lausanne Anne-Brigitte DONNET, Sion Jacques DONNET, Collombey Jean-Paul DONNET, Monthey Jean-Philippe DONNET, Sion Pierre DONNET, Sion Hans DORSAZ, Sierre Pierre DORSAZ, Verbier Walter DRACK, Uitikon-Waldegg Odette DROZ-VOUTAZ, Sembrancher Jean DUBAS, Fribourg Alain DUBOIS, Lausanne Catherine DUBUIS, Sion François-Olivier DUBUIS, Sion Marie-Laure DUBUIS, Sion Pierre DUBUIS, Sion André DUCKERT, Genève Pierre DUCREY, Pully Christiane D U N A N T , Nyon Pierre DUPARC, Paris Léon DUPONT LACHENAL, Saint-Maurice Ernest DUTOIT, Fribourg Raymond EBINER, Sion René EPARS, Grandson Jacqueline EXCHAQUET, Lausanne Jean FARDEL, Sion René FAUCHÈRE, Evolène Jaques FAUCHERRE, Lausanne Pierre-Yves FAVEZ, Lausanne Andrée FAVRE, Sion Michel FAVRE, Isérables Pierre-Elie FAVRE, Montana Fred FAY, Sion Roger FELLAY, Ardon Guy FLATTET, Lausanne Jean-Urbain FONTANEL, Veyrier Fernand FRACHEBOURG, Sion Jean-Louis FRACHEBOURG, Martigny Henri FRAGNIERE, Lausanne André FRANZÉ, Sion Mgr Pietro Amato FRUTAZ, Rome Bernard GAGNEBIN, Genève Marie-Antoinette GAGNEUX, Massongex Baudouin de GAIFFIER, Bruxelles Roger GAILLARD, Champlan Bertil GALLAND, Vevey Henri GARD, Sierre Jean-Michel GARD, Bagnes Clément GARDET, Annecy Anton GATTLEN, Sitten Frédy GAY-DES-COMBES, Martigny Anne GEISER, Lausanne Jean-Etienne GENEQUAND, Genève Freddy GERBER, Bex Georg GERMANN, Zürich Grégoire GHIKA, Sion Ernest GIDDEY, Lausanne Alice GILLIÉRON, Sion Gabriel GILLIOZ, Sion Anne-Marie GIRARD, Saint-Germain/Savièse Charles GIROUD, Vouvry Marcel GRANDJEAN, Genève Jean GRAVEN, Genève Emile GROLIMUNDDE CHASTONAY, Sion Marcel GROSS, Saint-Maurice Jacques GUBLER, Lausanne André GUEX, Lausanne Josef GUNTERN, Sitten Alban GERSTER, Laufen Rosemarie GUTZWILLER-HALLENBARTER, Solothurn Alain-William HAENNI, Sion Paul HAENNI, Carouge Germaine HAINARD-ROTEN, Bernex Emma HÄSSIG, Le Châtelard Charles-Edouard HAUSAMMANN, Nyon Jean-Pierre HENNARD, Lausanne Roger HENRY, Epalinges Théo-Antoine HERMANÈS, Le Lignon Constantin HILBERER, Chêne-Bourg Albert HUBER, Genève Lucienne HUBLER, La Tour-de-Peilz Hermann IMBODEN, Sion Edmond IMHOFF, Sion Louis IMHOF, Sion Karl IN-ALBON-FURRER, Brig Joseph ITEN, Sion Robert JACCARD, Saint-Legier Claude JACCOTTET, Lausanne Anna JACQUIER, Sion René JASINSKY, Genève Roland JAYET, Genève Béatrice JORDAN, Sion Roger JORIS, Nyon Jean JULEN, Sion Louis JUNOD, Epalinges 559 Gérard KAIFLIN, Lausanne Arnold de KALBERMATTEN, Sion Georges de KALBERMATTEN, Sion Henri de KALBERMATTEN, Sion Madeleine de KALBERMATTEN, Le Bouveret Victor de KALBERMATTEN, Monthey Werner KÄMPFEN, Zürich Charles KRAEGE, Aigle Jean KRATZER, Vevey André KUCHLER, Sion Melchior KUNTSCHEN, Sion Pierre KUNTSCHEN, Sion Marius LAMPERT, Ardon Augusta LANGE, Torino Claude LAPAIRE, Genève Joseph-F....
  • LAUBER, Martigny Jean de LAVALLAZ, Sion Charles LAVANCHY, Nyon René LE GRAND ROY, Genève Yvonne LEHNHERR, Fribourg Gabrielle LEONET, Sion Annette LEUENBERGER, La Tour-de-Peilz Sylvette LEVET-MARTIN, Monthey Jeanne LIBOIS, Hermance Charles LICHTENTHAELER, Hambourg Joseph LORENZ, Sion Paul LORENZ, Sion Gustav LORÉTAN, Loèche-Ville Rose-Marie LORÉTAN, Fribourg Mgr Angelin LOVEY, Martigny Roger LOVEY, Fully Jean LUDE-PERRAUDIN, Sion André LUGON, Martigny Antoine LUGON, Sion Jean LUGON, Martigny Jean-Claude LUGON, Sion Angelin LUISIER, Sion Jules LUISIER, Fully Marcel LUY, Sion Bernard LUYET, Sion André MABILLARD, Saillon Léon MABILLARD, Leytron Jean MARCLAY, Monthey Robert MARCLAY, Saint-Sulpice Pierre MARGOT, Lausanne 560 Jean-Yves MARIOTTE, Annecy Germaine MARQUIS, Liddes-Ville Lucien MARQUIS, Crissier Colin MARTIN, Lausanne Arnold MARTY-BODENMANN, Brig André MASSON, Martigny Rudolf MAURER, Lausanne Léon MAX, Martigny Adrien MAZZONE, Monthey Jean MÉDIONI, Pully Gérard MENTHONNEX, Lausanne Pierre MERCIER, Lausanne Jean-Pierre MÉTRAL, Ayent Yvonne MÉTRAUX, Lausanne Mme Henri MEYLAN, Le Mont-sur-Lausanne Edouard MEYSTRE, Lausanne Henri MICHELET, Saint-Maurice Henri MICHELET, Sierre Lucienne MICHELET, Bouveret Alexandre MICOTTI, Saint-Maurice Gustave MOËNNATH, Ecublens Line MONTANDON, Vandœuvres Aloys MORAND, Sion Edouard MORAND, Martigny Maurice MORAND, Lausanne Nicolas MORARD, Fribourg Pierre MORET, Sion Michel MOULIN, Martigny Jean-Claude MOUNOUD, Lausanne Paul MUDRY, Sion Philippe MUDRY, Lausanne Pascale de MULINEN-KUNTSCHEN, Coppet Léo MÜLLER, Saint-Maurice Roger MULTONE, Monthey Laurent MUTTI, Genève André NEUENSCHWANDER, Petit-Lancy Jean NICOLLIER, Sion Jacqueline NIQUILLE, Bulle Antoine NUSSBAUMER, Monthey André OLIVIER, Saint-Maurice Jean ORTLIEB, Corseaux Raymond OURSEL, Maçon Claude PACHE, Lausanne Marie PANAS, Monthey Daniel PAUNIER, Châtelaine-Genève Paul-Louis PELET, Lausanne René PELLET, Brigue Jules PERRAUDIN, Le Châble Paul PERRIN, Morges Peter PFAMMATTER, Leuk-Stadt Theo PFAMMATTER, Naters François PFEFFERLÉ, Sion Gérard PFULG, Fribourg Georges PILLET, Martigny Verio PINI, Muri Gustave PITTELOUD, Les Agettes Raphy PITTELOUD, Sion Paul PLATTNER, Genève Francis PONT, Sierre Marc POSSA, Sion Claude PRALONG, Sion Jean-Olivier PRALONG, Sion André et Germaine de PREUX, Sion Georges de PREUX, Sion Jean de PREUX, Lutry Léon de PREUX, Sion René de PREUX, Sion Georges PRIMATESTA, Le Lignon Valentine PUSZTASZERIGAYRHOS, Lausanne Pierre-Alain PUTALLAZ, Sion Dominique QUENDOZ, Monthey Françoise QUINODOZ, Chêne-Bougeries Isabelle QUINODOZ, Sion Jean-Michel QUINODOZ, Chêne-Bougeries Marc RABOUD, Riddes André RAPIN, Lausanne Mary-Coe RAPIN, Pully/La Rosiaz Georges RAPP, Lausanne Gratien RAUSIS, Sion Aldo RAVIOLA, Cologny Daniel REICHEL, Morges Pierre REICHENBACH, Monthey René REICHENBACH, Sion Edith REINWALD, Genève Olivier REVERDIN, Genève Jean-Luc REY, Sion Marcel REY, Montana René RICHARD, Sion Bernard de RIEDMATTEN, Brislach Cécile de RIEDMATTEN, Sion Pierre de RIEDMATTEN, Sion Charles RIGHETTI, Lausanne Jean-Louis RIVIER, Lausanne Claude ROCH, Le Bouveret Claude ROCHAT, Lausanne Gabriel ROSAZ, Lausanne Albert ROSIN, Gummersbach (D) Elisa ROSSIER, Chatillens Jacques ROSSIER, Lausanne Georges ROTEN, Savièse Norbert ROTEN, Sion Hildebrand de ROTEN, Sion Régis et Antoinette de ROTEN, Conthey Hans Anton von ROTEN, Ergisch Charles ROTH, Prilly Alexis ROUILLER, Verbier Maurice ROUILLER, Martigny Paul ROUSSET, Genève Liliane ROUX, Cologny Jean RUEDIN, Berne Louis RUEDIN, Muraz-Sierre Roland RUFFIEUX, Fribourg Walter RUPPEN, Brig William RUSTERHOLZ, Pully Rémy SAILLEN, Lausanne Luc SALAMIN, Sierre Catherine SANTSCHI, Genève Comtesse Marie-José de SARRE, Gy Robert SARTORETTI, Granges Marc-R....
  • Commentary on ‘Current computational models do not reveal the importance of the nervous system in long-term control of arterial pressure’ Jean-Pierre Montani1 and Bruce N....
  • References Mizelle HL, Montani JP, Hester RL, Didlake RH & Hall JE (1993)....
  • Montani JP & Van Vliet BN (2009)....
Université de Fribourg

Understanding the contribution of Guyton's large circulatory model to long-term control of arterial pressure

Montani, Jean-Pierre ; Vliet, Bruce N. Van

In: Experimental Physiology, 2009, vol. 94, no. 4, p. 382-388

With the publication in 1972 of a large computer model of circulatory control, Guyton and colleagues challenged the then prevailing views on how blood pressure and cardiac output were controlled. At that time, it was widely accepted that the heart controlled cardiac output and that peripheral resistance controlled arterial blood pressure. By incorporating the empirically demonstrated concepts of...

  • Understanding the contribution of Guyton’s large circulatory model to long-term control of arterial pressure Jean-Pierre Montani1 and Bruce N....
  • Montani JP & Van Vliet BN (2004)....
  • Montani JP & Van Vliet BN (2007)....
  • Abdul G Dulloo Jean-Pierre Montani Department of Medicine/Physiology University of Fribourg ´ Chemin du Musee 5 1700 Fribourg Switzerland email: References Abbott RD, Ross GW, White LR, Nelson JS, Masaki KH, Tanner CM, Curb JD, Blanchette PL, Popper JS & Petrovitch H (2002) Midlife adiposity and the future risk of Parkinson’s disease....
  • Crescenzo R, Samec S, Antic V, Rohner-Jeanrenaud F, Seydoux J, Montani JP & Dulloo AG (2003) A role for suppressed thermogenesis favoring catch-up fat in the pathophysiology of catch-up growth....
  • Dulloo AG, Jacquet J & Montani JP (2002) Pathways from weight fluctuations to metabolic diseases: focus on maladaptive thermogenesis during catch-up fat....
Université de Fribourg

Ectopic fat storage in heart, blood vessels and kidneys in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases

Montani, Jean-Pierre ; Carroll, Joan F. ; Dwyer, Terry M. ; Antic, Vladan ; Yang, Zhihong ; Dulloo, Abdul G.

In: International Journal of Obesity, 2004, vol. 28, p. S58-65

In humans and most animal models, the development of obesity leads not only to increased fat depots in classical adipose tissue locations but also to significant lipid deposits within and around other tissues and organs, a phenomenon known as ectopic fat storage. The purpose of this review is to explore the possible locations of ectopic fat in key target-organs of cardiovascular control (heart,...

  • Montani et al., Ectopic fat storage in key cardiovascular organs 1 Ectopic fat storage in heart, blood vessels and kidneys in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases Jean-Pierre Montani 1, Joan F....
  • Antic V, Tempini A, Montani JP....
  • Van Vliet BN, Montani JP....