Università della Svizzera italiana

The ageing society : analyzing the coverage of the population ageing in a Belgian quality newspaper

Torben-Nielsen, Karen ; Russ-Mohl, Stephan (Dir.) ; Suggs, Suzanne (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2016 ; 2016COM010.

This study has examined how the ‘Ageing Society’ -a society with a rapidly ageing population, a growing share of older persons and a decreasing share of younger persons- and its implications for the Belgian population are represented in the Belgian quality newspaper De Standaard (2011-2013). As such, the study delivered first-time Belgian empirical findings about the coverage of the...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Löcher in der "Chinesischen Mauer" : Der Einfluss von Werbung auf journalistische Inhalte: eine Studie zur Berichterstattung von Deutschschweizer Gratiszeitungen über Anzeigenkunden = The crumbling "Chinese Wall": the influence of advertising on journalistic content: a study on the coverage of advertisers in Swiss German free newspapers.

Porlezza, Colin ; Russ-Mohl, Stephan (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2013 ; 2013COM001.

The study focuses on whether and to what extent advertisers may influence the editorial content of free and traditional newspapers in the German part of Switzerland. Fierce competition between media conglomerates and declining newspaper circulation rates aggravate the struggle for financial resources. As a result, advertising is more likely to exert a strong influence on the daily decision...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Le radici forti di un sistema fragile : Radiografia del Corriere della Sera e del Sole 24 Ore in occasione della campagna elettorale del 2006

Zavaritt, Giovanni ; Russ-Mohl, Stephan (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2009.

The present research work provides an empirical answer to the following question: how does the public construction of the political power representations work? In other words, which are the main characteristics of political journalism? A Content analysis of two prominent Italian newspapers (Corriere della Sera e Sole 24Ore) was set up, during the last three months of the national campaign...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Gli ombudsman dei giornali come strumento di gestione della qualità giornalistica = Reader's representatives as instruments for management of journalism quality

Elia, Cristina ; Russ-Mohl, Stephan (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2007 ; 2007COM006.

Press ombudsmen are particularly visible in Anglo-Saxon countries and in Sweden, but they are also present in most European and Latin American countries. Many studies have been conducted to understand the origins, the role and the effectiveness of Anglo-Saxon ombudsmen but not much was known about ombudsmen active in the rest of the world. On the occasion of the function's 40th anniversary - the...