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Université de Fribourg

Marvelous Women of Prophecy in the Narrative Strategies of Herodotus’s Histories and Luke-Acts

Morgan, James M.

In: NTOA - Novum testamentum et orbis antiquus, 2019, vol. 121, p. 423-455

In the Greek historiographical tradition, Herodotus and Saint Luke stand out in a few ways from historians of their times. One way is their inclusion of women in their histories, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Another way is their substantial inclusion of the divine sphere as a part of their descriptions of human history. This essay then explores the link between these two interests:...

  • BEITRAG aus: Markus Lau / Karl Matthias Schmidt / Thomas Schumacher (Hg.): Sprachbilder und Bildsprache / ISBN 978-3-525-51698-0 © 2019 Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht GmbH & Co....
  • KG, Göttingen Markus Lau/Karl Matthias Schmidt/ Thomas Schumacher (Hg.)...
  • De Boer/Hale 2000; de Boer/Hale/Chanton 2001; de Boer/Spiller 2002; and Piccardi et al. 2008....
Université de Fribourg

Neue Governance und die Öffentlichkeit der Hochschulen

Marcinkowski, Frank ; Kohring, Matthias ; Friedrichsmeier, Andres ; Fürst, Silke

In: Neue Governance der Wissenschaft: Reorganisation – externe Anforderungen – Medialisierung, 2013, p. 257-288

Ein prägendes Element der wissenschaftspolitischen Reformbemühungen in den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten ist der Rückzug des Staates aus der Detailsteuerung von Hochschulen. Daraus ergeben sich vielfältige Konsequenzen, nicht zuletzt ein verändertes Verhältnis von wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen und interessierter Öffentlichkeit. Waren es die Hochschulen über Jahrzehnte gewohnt, dass die ...

  • Jaeger 258 Frank Marcinkowski, Matthias Kohring, Andres Friedrichsmeier, Silke Fürst 2006; König 2007; Bogumil et al. in diesem Band)....
  • Kohring, Matthias (1997): Die Funktion des Wissenschaftsjournalismus: ein systemtheoretischer Entwurf....
  • Kohring, Matthias (2004): Journalismus als soziales System: Grundlagen einer systemtheoretischen Journalismustheorie....
  • Daniel Schroeder,1,a Alain Kenfak Foguena,2,a Alain Cometta,2,4 Gilbert Greub,2,3 and Matthias Cavassini2 1 Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, 2Service of Infectious Diseases, and 3Laboratory of Diagnostic Parasitology, Institute of Microbiology, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois and Lausanne University, Lausanne, and 4Department of Internal Medicine, Etablissement Hospitalier Nord Vaudois, Yverdon-Les-Bains, Switzerland References 1....
  • Boer A, Blodorn-Schlicht N, Wiebels D, Steinkraus V, Falk TM....
  • Reprints or correspondence: Dr Matthias Cavassini, Infectious Diseases Service, CHUV BH07, 1011 Lausanne, Switzerland (
Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Islamic religious education in Swiss public schools : a case study in Kreuzlingen/TG

Rota, Andrea ; Bleisch, Petra

In: Frieden als Beruf : Beiträge aus der Religions- und Friedensforschung : Festschrift für Richard Friedli zu seinem 75. Geburtstag

  • Matthias Loretan is a Catholic deacon at the St....
  • For our interviewees, this was particularly defined as avoiding an exclusive focus on Islam and 35 Interview with Matthias Loretan, 14 May 2012; interview with Judith Borer, 3 36 Interview with Judith Borer, 3 May 2012. 37 Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau 2007....
  • Conclusion In this contribution we aimed to present and discuss the role of different actors and interpretative patterns surrounding the introduction of IRE classes at public schools in Kreuzlingen, 46 Interview with Judith Borer, 3 May 2012; interview with Matthias Loretan, 14 47 Lamine 2005, pp. 89-90. 48 Interview with Matthias Loretan, 14 May 2012....
Print Media
110 ans, 28000 éditions
Médiathèque Valais

Le Nouvelliste

Nouvelliste (Sion)

Sion : Nouvelliste valaisan, 1903

  • Dec 5, 2012: Ses enfants: Véronique et Jean-Maurice Joris-Rausis, à Orsières; Françoise et Alfred Borer-Rausis, à Kleinlützel; †Catherine et Eric Valloton-Rausis, au Borgeaud; Ses petits-enfants: Fanny et Mathias Henz-Borer et leurs enfants Mia, Max et Léna, à Kleinlützel; Maud et Mikaël Neuhaus-Borer et leurs enfants Aaron, Léan, Milva et Laura, à Baden; Elisa et Simon Marquis-Joris et leurs enfants Quentin et Leila, à Liddes; Anne et Mikaël Sarrasin-Joris et leurs enfants Ilona, Louise et Nora, à Somlaproz; Barthélémy Joris, à Paris; Sa sœur: Nelly Cretton-Petit, ses enfants et petits-enfants, à Villeneuve; Ses belles-sœurs, beaux-frères, neveux, nièces et famille; Ses cousins et cousines; Ses amies de cœur....
  • Dec 4, 2012: Bor....
  • Nov 26, 2012: Matthias Mayer (Aut) à 1’’19. 7....
  • See the 1'655 results in the newspaper "Le Nouvelliste"
  • Sep 5, 1995: Succès suédois Mathias Grônberg a remporté l'European Masters de CransMontana....
  • Apr 4, 1995: Le rôle principal est tenu par Matthias Urban, animateur à la TSR dans une émission pour enfants....
  • Jan 4, 1980: Ensuite, sa carrière bancaire, outre quelques séjours à l'étranger, est essentiellement martigneraine et dénote par là une connaissance aiguë de l'économie locale et régionale. borateurs et qui fera mieux connaître le nouveau directeur du Crédit Suisse Martigny....
  • See the 26 results in the newspaper "Confédéré"
Print Media
140 ans, 41000 éditions
Bibliothèque publique et universitaire


La Chaux-de-Fonds : L'Impartial, 1880

No spécimen [0] (27.12.1880); no 1 (1.1.1881) -

Université de Fribourg

Climate oscillations and species interactions: large-scale congruence but regional differences in the phylogeographic structures of an alpine plant and its monophagous insect

Borer, Matthias ; Arrigo, Nils ; Buerki, Sven ; Naisbit, Russell E. ; Alvarez, Nadir

In: Journal of Biogeography, 2012, p. -

Aim To predict the fate of alpine interactions involving specialized species, using a monophagous beetle and its host plant as a case study.Location The Alps.Methods We investigated genetic structuring of the herbivorous beetle Oreina gloriosa and its specific host-plant Peucedanum ostruthium. We used genome fingerprinting (in the insect and the plant) and sequence data (in the insect)...

  • Matthias Borer thanks Makiala Kisanga for an introduction to the AFLP laboratory methods, and Ana Pinto, Franz Borer, Christoph Germann and Yann Triponez for help in collecting beetles....
  • Matthias Borer was funded by a ˆ doctoral assistantship from the University of Neuchatel....
  • SUPPORTING INFORMATION Climate oscillations and species interactions: large scale congruence but regional differences in the phylogeographic structures of an alpine plant and its monophagous insect Matthias Borer, Nils Arrigo, Sven Buerki, Russell E....
Université de Fribourg

Positive frequency-dependent selection on warning color in alpine leaf beetles

Borer, Matthias ; Noort, Tom Van ; Rahier, Martine ; Naisbit, Russell E.

In: Evolution, 2010, vol. 64, no. 12, p. 3629–3633

Müller's theory of warning color and mimicry, despite forming a textbook example of frequency-dependent selection, has rarely been demonstrated in the wild. This may be largely due to the practical and statistical difficulties of measuring natural selection on mobile prey species. Here we demonstrate that this selection acts in alpine beetle communities by using tethered beetles exposed to...

  • POSITIVE FREQUENCY-DEPENDENT SELECTION ON WARNING COLOR IN ALPINE LEAF BEETLES Matthias Borer,1,2 Tom van Noort,1,2 Martine Rahier,1 and Russell E....
  • Beetles of the genus Oreina (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) are found in isolated populations throughout the mountains of Europe (Kippenberg 1994; Margraf et al. 2007; Borer et al. 2010)....
  • Borer, M., N....