Université de Fribourg

Age of second-language acquisition: Critical periods and social concerns

Birdsong, David ; Vanhove, Jan

In: Bilingualism across the lifespan: Factors moderating language proficiency, 2016, p. 163-182

A classic topic in research on bilingualism across the lifespan is the relationship between the age at which learners start to acquire a second language (L2) and their ultimate level of proficiency in that language. Learning of an L2 that begins in infancy is typically associated with fluent speech, effortless language processing, and native accent. In contrast, late L2 learners tend to diverge...

Université de Fribourg

Die Entwicklung von produktiven lexikalischen Kompetenzen bei Schüler(innen) mit portugiesischem Migrationshintergrund in der Schweiz

Bonvin, Audrey ; Vanhove, Jan ; Berthele, Raphael ; Lambelet, Amelia

In: Zeitschrift für Interkulturellen Fremdsprachenunterricht

Lexical diversity and sophistication (in term of average corpus frequency) development in the school language (German or French) is investigated longitudinally in a population of Portuguese heritage speakers aged 8 to 10. Results show an improvement in lexical diversity scores but not in lexical sophistication. Differences were found between Portuguese heritage speakers and age matched children...

Université de Fribourg

Langue d’origine et langue de scolarisation : dans quelle mesure les compétences en littéracie sont-elles transférables ? : Une synthèse = Herkunftssprache und Schulsprache: sind Literalitätskompetenzen übertragbar?: Das Wichtigste in Kürze

Lambelet, Amelia ; Berthele, Raphael ; Vanhove, Jan ; Desgrippes, Magalie ; Pestana, Carlos ; Decandio, Fabricio

(Rapports du Centre scientifique de compétence sur le plurilinguisme)

The project Heritage language and school language: are literacy skills transferable? (HELASCOT) addresses the linguistic development in migrant children of Portuguese descent in Switzerland. It focuses primarily on the children’s literacy skills (reading comprehension and writing skills) in their heritage language (i.e. Portuguese) and in the language of instruction in the region in...

Université de Fribourg

Predicting perceptions of the lexical richness of short French, German, and Portuguese texts using text-based indices

Vanhove, Jan ; Bonvin, Audrey ; Lambelet, Amelia ; Berthele, Raphael

In: Journal of Writing Research, 2019, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 499-525

We investigated how well readers’ perceptions of the lexical richness of short texts can be predicted on the basis of automatically computable indices of the texts’ lexical properties. 3,060 French, German and Portuguese texts (between 9 and 284 words long) written by 8- to 10-year-olds were rated for their lexical richness by between 3 and 18 uninstructed raters, and over 150 indices were...

Université de Fribourg

Metalinguistic knowledge about the native language and language transfer in gender assignment

Vanhove, Jan

In: Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2019, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 397-419

Whereas Standard Dutch only distinguishes between two adnominal grammatical genders, substandard varieties of Belgian Dutch distinguish between three such genders. German, too, distinguishes between three genders. Nevertheless, when assigning gender to German nouns with Dutch cognates, speakers of Belgian Dutch are strongly influenced by Standard Dutch gender but to a much lesser degree (if at...

Université de Fribourg

When labeling L2 users as nativelike or not, consider classification errors

Vanhove, Jan

In: Second Language Research

Researchers commonly estimate the prevalence of nativelikeness among second-language learners by assessing how many of them perform similarly to a sample of native speakers on one or several linguistic tasks. Even when the native (L1) samples and second-language (L2) samples are comparable in terms of age, socio-economic status, educational background and the like, these nativelikeness estimates...

Université de Fribourg

Analyzing randomized controlled interventions : Three notes for applied linguists

Vanhove, Jan

In: Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 2015, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 135-152

I discuss three common practices that obfuscate or invalidate the statistical analysis of randomized controlled interventions in applied linguistics. These are (a) checking whether randomization produced groups that are balanced on a number of possibly relevant covariates, (b) using repeated measures ANOVA to analyze pretest-posttest designs, and (c) using traditional significance tests to...

Université de Fribourg

Collinearity isn't a disease that needs curing

Vanhove, Jan

In: Meta-Psychology, 2021, vol. 5, p. 1-11

Once they have learnt about the effects of collinearity on the output of multiple regression models, researchers may unduly worry about these and resort to (sometimes dubious) modelling techniques to mitigate them. I argue that, to the extent that problems occur in the presence of collinearity, they are not caused by it but rather by common mental shortcuts that researchers take when...

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

The lifespan development of cognate guessing skills in an unknown related language

Vanhove, Jan ; Berthele, Raphael

In: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 2015, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 1-38