Université de Fribourg

La langue partenaire : Régimes politico-linguistiques, conceptualisations et conséquences linguistiques

Berthele, Raphael

In: Cohabitation des langues et politique linguistique. La notion de "langue partenaire".

Dans cette contribution, le concept très métaphorique de « langue partenaire » est analysé, de manière assez critique, au regard du principe de territorialité des langues et du multilinguisme institutionnel, deux régimes politico-linguistiques qui cohabitent dans la Confédération helvétique. Les enjeux d’un partenariat entre langues, au niveau des institutions mais également des...

Université de Fribourg

Googling Toubon : Testing the effects of institutional French language purism

Berthele, Raphael

In: Change of Paradigms – New Paradoxes. Recontextualizing Language and Linguistics

This study investigates the impact of French corpus planning efforts in two semantic domains, telecommunication and sport. Lists of Anglicisms and their French counterparts pertaining to these two domains are used in a corpus study using the Google Books corpus. A method to explore this corpus diachronically is proposed, and analyses assessing the odds of encountering the ‘official’ French...

Université de Fribourg

Item-related determinants of cognate guessing in multilinguals

Vanhove, Jan ; Berthele, Raphael

In: Crosslinguistic influence and crosslinguistic interaction in multilingual language learning

Université de Fribourg

The lifespan development of cognate guessing skills in an unknown related language

Vanhove, Jan ; Berthele, Raphael

In: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, 2015, vol. 53, no. 1, p. 1-38

Université de Fribourg

Biestmilch, Schafspferche und Schamanen : Überlegungen zur Verwendung whorfoiden Gedankenguts im Diskurs über sprachliche Diversität

Berthele, Raphael

In: Zeitschrift für Semiotik, 2013, vol. 34, no. 1, p. 85-107

Summary. The article discusses the discursive use of ideas related to language and thought in the context of texts advocating linguistic diversity. Drawing on examples from a variety of texts on the matter, it shows how arguments that can be associated with Whorfian ideas in the broadest sense of the term are used to complement an identity- oriented, romantic construal of small or...

Université de Fribourg

Rapporto scientifico: Età e apprendimento delle lingue a scuola : Rassegna della letteratura = Rapport de recherche: Àge et apprentissage des langues à l'école

Berthele, Raphael ; Lambelet, Amelia

(Rapporti del Centro scientifico di competenza per il plurilinguismo)

La pubblicazione di questa rassegna della letteratura sull’insegnamento più precoce o più tardivo delle lingue straniere a scuola giunge in un momento in cui ha luogo in Svizzera un’intensa discussione politica sull’insegnamento delle lingue nella scuola primaria. Per questo motivo ci pare importante chiarire il contesto e la portata effettiva del presente studio.

Université de Fribourg

Âge et apprentissage des langues à l’école : Revue de littérature = Alter und schulisches Fremdsprachenlernen: Stand der Forschung

Berthele, Raphael ; Lambelet, Amelia

(Rapports du Centre scientifique de compétence sur le plurilinguisme)

La publication de cette revue de la littérature concernant l’enseignement précoce ou plus tardif des langues étrangères à l’école intervient au moment où a lieu en Suisse une intense discussion politique portant sur l’enseignement des langues étrangères au primaire. En raison de ce fait, il nous semble important de clarifier le contexte ainsi que la portée effective de la...

Université de Fribourg

Receptive Multilingualism in the Swiss Army

Berthele, Raphael ; Wittlin, Gabriele

In: International Journal of Multilingualism, 2013, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 181-195

In this paper a particular context where receptive multilingualism at work can be observed is discussed. The Swiss armed forces underwent a series of quite dramatic downsizing measures, which lead to a situation with increased amount of mixed groups and linguistically mixed situations regarding the first/native language of officers and the first/native languages of the recruits. Although...

Université de Fribourg

Disentangling manner and path : Evidence from varieties of German and Romance

Berthele, Raphael

The standard theory of lexicalization patterns in the encoding of motion events (STLP in the remainder of this chapter; cf. Talmy 1985; Slobin 1996b; Talmy 2000, 2009) has been used in such a great number of research projects in the past two decades that its extensive introduction is superfluous. However, in this contribution I argue that that some of the claims of ‘mainstream’ STLP research...