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Université de Fribourg

Household resources and individual strategies

Deschênes, Sarah ; Dumas, Christelle ; Lambert, Sylvie

(Working Papers SES ; 517)

The question of diverging interests and preferences within couples over the use of household resources and the consequences of these conflictual views has been present for a long time in the development literature, albeit in a somewhat scattered way. This paper selectively reviews the abundant literature that offers insights into the intrahousehold decision-making process, the strategies put...

Haute école de santé Genève

Quand un parent devient le proche aidant de son enfant diabétique : travail de Bachelor

Da Silva Ferreira, Isabel ; Séchaud, Laurence (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute école de santé Genève, 2017.

Thème : Ce travail concerne les parents d’enfant vivant avec un diabète de type 1, l’impact de cette maladie sur la qualité de vie du patient et de ses proches et les besoins qui en découlent. La théorie de l’adaptation de Soeur Callista Roy est utilisée comme ancrage disciplinaire pour cette revue de littérature. Problématique : Les statistiques actuelles démontrent que le...

Università della Svizzera italiana

“You must eat the salad because it is nutritious” : argumentative strategies adopted by parents and children in food-related discussions at mealtimes

Bova, Antonio ; Arcidiacono, Francesco

In: Appetite, 2014, vol. 73, p. 81-94

At mealtimes, the evaluation of the appropriate (or not appropriate) behavior concerning the food is often assumed as a topic of discourse. The aim of this study is to single out the argumentative strategies used by parents with their children and by children with their parents in order to convince the other party to eat or not to eat a certain food. Within a data corpus constituted by 30...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Invoking the authority of feelings as a strategic maneuver in family mealtime conversations

Bova, Antonio ; Arcidiacono, Francesco

In: Journal of community & applied social psychology, 2013, vol. 23, no. 3, p. 206-224

This paper is centred on family conversations and focuses on the conditions that allow a specific strategic maneuver, the invocation of the authority, to be an effective argumentative strategy when used by parents to convince their children to accept rules and prescriptions. Within a corpus of argumentative sequences selected from 30 video-recordings of family mealtime conversations, an...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Argumentation between parents and children : A study of family discussions at mealtime

Bova, Antonio ; Rigotti, Eddo (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2013 ; 2013COM005.

In recent years, the family context has emerged as one of the most important contexts for the study of argumentation. The activity of mealtime, in particular, represents a privileged moment for studying how parents and children interact with each other, because it is one of the few moments during the day in which all family members come together and engage in intensive verbal interaction....

Università della Svizzera italiana

I want to talk but it is not possible : Dinnertime argumentation in Swiss and Italian families

Arcidiacono, Francesco ; Bova, Antonio

In: US-China education review, 2011, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 355-368

This paper investigates to what extent Swiss and Italian family members engage to resolve differences of opinion during their everyday conversations at home. The goal is to point out the importance of the context in the an alytical reconstruction of argumentation carried out by parents and children at dinnertime and to highlight the similarities and diferences among different strategies. By...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Functions of “why” questions asked by children in family conversations

Bova, Antonio

In: Procedia: social and behavioral sciences, 2011, vol. 30, p. 776-782

This study focuses on children's speech and, more particularly, analyzes the functions of children's “why” questions asked during family conversations at home. Within a data corpus composed of video recordings of family dinnertime interactions, sequences in which children ask “why” questions during family conversations are presented and qualitatively analyzed. The results show the...