Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

The need to distinguish between quantity and quality in research on parental involvement : The example of parental help with homework

Moroni, Sandra ; Dumont, Hanna ; Trautwein, Ulrich ; Niggli, Alois ; Baeriswyl, Franz

In: Journal of Educational Research, 2015, vol. 108, no. 5, p. 417-431

Parental involvement research has greatly expanded over the past decade, but findings are mixed, reflecting in part the conceptual and methodological limitations of many studies. On the basis of longitudinal questionnaire data from 1,685 sixth-grade students, the authors studied parental help with homework because it is the most common and most controversial type of parental involvement....

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Hausaufgabenverhalten von Schülern aus unterschiedlichen Klassen? : Befunde einer Mehrebenenanalyse im Fach Französisch = L’attitude des élèves à l’égard des devoirs change-t-elle d’une classe à l’autre? : résultats d’une analyse multiniveaux dans la branche "français comme langue étrangère"

Schnyder, Inge ; Niggli, Alois ; Cathomas, Rico ; Trautwein, Ulrich

In: Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften, 2006, vol. 28, no. 2, p. 295-314

Students’ achievement gains have been linked to homework assignments (teacher level) and students’ conscientious homework behavior (student level). However, there are no empirical studies that empirically investigated the differences in homework behavior among students in different classes and the impact of structural features (e.g., course level, class size, region) on students’ homework...