Université de Fribourg

Does being assigned to a low school track negatively affect psychological adjustment?

Müller, Christoph Michael ; Hofmann, Verena

In: School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 2016, vol. 27, p. 95-115

Previous research suggests that the 1st year in secondary school for some students goes hand in hand with an increase in adjustment difficulties. One factor that might influence this process on an individual, compositional, and institutional level is the academic track a student attends. It was hypothesized that being assigned to a lowqualifying track predicts a stronger increase in...

Haute Ecole pédagogique Fribourg

Schulformen als differenzielle Lernmilieus : Institutionelle und kompositionelle Effekte auf die Leistungsentwicklung im Fach Französisch = School Types as Differential Learning Environments : Institutional and Compositional Effects on Achievement Gains in French as a Foreign Language

Neumann, Marko ; Schnyder, Inge ; Trautwein, Ulrich ; Niggli, Alois ; Lüdtke, Oliver ; Cathomas, Rico

In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 2007, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 399-420

Based on two representative samples of eighth grade students from the Swiss cantons Wallis (N = 926) and Fribourg of (N = 778), the present study examines achievement gains in French as a foreign language in the different tracks of the Swiss secondary school system. The main focus lies on effects resulting from differences in the educational environments of the tracks. Beside differences in group...