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Université de Fribourg

Everybody Knows that There Is Something Odd About Ad Populum Arguments

Herman, Thierry ; Oswald, Steve

In: The Language of Argumentation, 2021, p. 305-323

In the wake of research on linguistic resources of argumentation (Doury, 2018; van Eemeren Houtlosser, & Snoeck Henkemans, 2007), this chapter considers the argumentative nature and rhetorical potential of the expression “everyone/everybody knows P”, which is likely to be used to fulfil a justificatory purpose in appeals to majority in the form of ad populum arguments (Godden, 2008). In...

Université de Fribourg

Les apprenants parlent-ils à l’infinitif ? : Influence de l’input sur la production des verbes par des apprenants adultes du français

Thomas, Anita

Lund : Lund University (Sweden), 2009

(Études romanes de Lund ; 87)

ISBN: 978-91-978017-2-0

This dissertation deals with the characteristic variation found in adult French L2 oral production. In their production of regular verbs, beginners use a short form, like parle, and a long form, like parlE, in contexts of both the present (je parl/*je parlE) and the infinitive (je veux parlE/*je veux parl). This sometimes results in target-like uses and sometimes not. The question addressed in...

Université de Fribourg

Collinearity isn't a disease that needs curing

Vanhove, Jan

In: Meta-Psychology, 2021, vol. 5, p. 1-11

Once they have learnt about the effects of collinearity on the output of multiple regression models, researchers may unduly worry about these and resort to (sometimes dubious) modelling techniques to mitigate them. I argue that, to the extent that problems occur in the presence of collinearity, they are not caused by it but rather by common mental shortcuts that researchers take when...

Università della Svizzera italiana

The inferential configuration of arguments : the Argumentum Model of Topics

Greco, Sara ; Rigotti, Eddo

In: Inference in argumentation: a topics-based approach to argument schemes, 2019, vol. 34, p. 207-245

In this chapter, our proposal for the analysis of argument schemes as based on the tradition of topoi-loci called the Argumentum Model of Topics (AMT) is presented (first introduced in Rigotti and Greco 2006). We explain how the AMT represents the inferential configuration of arguments and discuss innovative aspects of the model in relation to other contemporary accounts. After having outlined...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Towards an integrated argumentative approach to multimodal critical discourse analysis : Evidence from the portrayal of refugees and immigrants in Greek newspapers

Serafis, Dimitris ; Greco, Sara ; Pollaroli, Chiara ; Jermini Martinez Soria, Chiara

In: Critical discourse studies, 2020, vol. 17, no. 5, p. 545-565

This paper proposes a methodological synthesis in order to study multimodal media discourse and argumentation in the context of the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in Greece. It follows the framework of Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis, integrating this with argumentation studies, with a particular emphasis on the analysis of inference. Our data come from the Greek newspapers Kathimerini...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Mediators’ reframing as a constitutive element of a reconciliatory argumentative style

Greco, Sara ; Jermini-Martinez Soria, Chiara

In: Journal of argumentation in context, 2021, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 73-96

This paper shows that reframing of conflict can be considered as a constitutive element of a “reconciliatory argumentative style” (van Eemeren, 2019), which is typical of dispute mediators, whose aim is to steer parties towards the resolution of their conflict. On the basis of a systematic empirical analysis of mediation cases, we first show that reframing encompasses a change of issue,...

Université de Fribourg

Vers une pédagogie des contacts dans l’enseignement des langues-cultures : une synthèse = Kontaktpädagogik im Unterricht von Sprachen und Kulturen: Kurzbericht

Wokusch, Susanne ; Li Rosi, Tiziana ; Margonis-Pasinetti, Rosanna ; Zoller, Veronika

(Rapports du Centre scientifique de compétence sur le plurilinguisme)

Aujourd’hui, tout apprentissage d’une langue-culture étrangère (LCE) devrait inclure l’opportunité d’utiliser la langue apprise dans un contexte réel avec des interlocutrices de cette LCE. Or, dans le cadre de l’école obligatoire notamment, les échanges physiques restent limités à une petite minorité d’élèves et d’enseignantes et ce, malgré l’existence de...

Université de Fribourg

Didactisation du français ordinaire : Les défis de la variation dans l’enseignement des temps du passé en français langue étrangère

Thomas, Anita

In: La didactisation du français vernaculaire, 2020, p. 153-186

L’objectif de cette contribution est de discuter l’utilisation de données de français parlé ordinaire (vernaculaire) dans le cadre d’activités didactiques visant le développement des temps du passé en français langue seconde ou étrangère (dorénavant L2) pour des apprenantes1 adultes de niveau avancé. Cette démarche s’inscrit dans une mouvance didactique récente dans...