The journal "" ( was founded in 2016 in the Department of Sociology, Social Policy, and Social Work of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) and has its editorial offices there. It appears online twice yearly and includes contributions in German, English, French, or Italian. "" is a scholarly journal concerned with all areas of social policy and the welfare state. It strives to be a go-between linking academia and practice. Thus it is aimed at both scholars and all those actively practicing in the area. The journal should facilitate academic discourse about developments and concepts in social policy – in the widest sense of that term – in Switzerland, in other countries, and in international comparison. The journal publishes quantitative, qualitative, and comparative research on social policy, as well as theoretical pieces. In addition to academic articles, the journal can also publish shorter pieces (reviews of significant books and brief research notes). To achieve a high quality in the articles, all submissions will be put through a peer review process.

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Université de Fribourg

Gesucht – Gefunden : Vergemeinschaftungs- und Reproduktionsleistungen jüdischer Heiratsvermittler*innen

Affentranger, Sarah

In:, 2020, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Forum:1.1

Jewish matchmaker play an important role in the traditional search for a partner. They can be positioned analytically between the individual, religion and the state, and their work has an impact at both the micro and macro levels. This article examines how Jewish matchmakers contribute to maintaining the transnational community of the Jewish diaspora network. It is shown that Jewish matchmaking...

Université de Fribourg

Konfliktforschung als Grundlage sozialpädagogischer Gewaltprävention

Kilb, Rainer

In:, 2020, vol. 1, no. 5, p. Article: 1.5

Weber, Simmel and Coser classify conflicts as constitutive for groups as well as for social developments. Social conflicts can then have both in-tegrative and disintegrative effects. These sociological findings seem to contradict the mostly negative connotation of conflict today. Con-flicts are almost exclusively perceived as unpleasant and disturbing and are therefore more likely to be avoided....

Université de Fribourg

Kämpfen für die Sache Allahs : Zur Genese dschihadistischer Identitäten

Sheikhzadegan, Amir

In:, 2020, vol. 1, no. 4, p. Article: 1.4

Despite the remarkable quantity and variety of the research on jihadist identities, the state of the research remains disparate and fragmented. That is why the insights gained only insufficiently contribute to a deepening of our understanding of this phenomenon. Such a convergence requires, in a first step, a systematization of the relevant theoretical models and studies. The present contribution...

Université de Fribourg

Häusliche Gewalt : Handlung und Struktur im familialen Beziehungsgefüge

Kersten, Anne

In:, 2020, vol. 1, no. 3, p. Article: 1.3

Domestic violence has become a current topic in politics and science. Research in recent decades has brought to light its extent, possible causes and consequences. In order to assess the socio-political relevance of the topic, a quantifying perspective is usually used as a basis. This article argues that such a perspective is hardly able to grasp the multilayered complexity of domestic violence....

Université de Fribourg

Protestzwitschern : Wie Twitter-Netzwerke zur Eskalation der G20-Proteste in Hamburg 2017 beitrugen

Hartmann, Eddie ; Lang, Felix

In:, 2020, vol. 1, no. 2, p. Article: 1.2

The article asks to what extent the social medium Twitter has contributed to the violent escalation of the G20 protests in Hamburg in 2017. The thesis is that parallel to the escalation of the protests in the streets of Hamburg, an antagonistic discourse dynamic is taking place in Twitter, which favours a self-reinforcing spiral of solidarity and enemy image construction. The present analysis...

Université de Fribourg

Editorial - Soziale Konflikte

Nollert, Michael ; Budowski, Monica

In:, 2020, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article: 1.1

Université de Fribourg

Sozialkontrolle und Bekämpfung von politischem Extremismus : Was halten Schweizerinnen und Schweizer davon?

Staubli, Silvia

In:, 2019, vol. 2, no. 5, p. Article: 2.5

In den letzten Jahren wurde viel in die Erforschung von Radikalisierung und in Massnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Extremismus und Terrorismus investiert. Dies geht einher mit einer zunehmenden Sozialkontrolle, welche sich unter anderem in Gesetzesverschärfungen äussert. Was aber die Schweizer Bevölkerung von solchen Massnahmen hält, wurde bis anhin nur rudimentär erforscht. Relativ unklar...

Université de Fribourg

The Pathway to Defection from Extremist Groups : Confronting the Disengagement Process of a Jihadi Foreign Fighter and a Right-Wing Extremist

Eser Davolio, Miryam ; Villiger, Carole

In:, 2019, vol. 2, no. 4, p. Article: 2.4

The aim of our article is to analyse the disengagement process of a Swiss returnee from Syria and the emergence of dissonances during his involvement with the Islamic State (IS) and to compare this evolution to the pathway of a right-wing extremist willing to leave the violent extremist group Blood & Honour. Although the contexts of these extremist groups are very different, a number of elements...