Université de Fribourg

"Ovide veut parler" : les négociations de Clément Marot traducteur

Claivaz, David

Genève : Droz, 2016

(Cahiers d'humanisme et renaissance ; no 134)

ISBN: 9782600347099

This is the first French verse version of Ovid’s Metamorphosis, translated by the sixteenth century poet Clément Marot. Marot’s translation marks not only a literary achievement, but also cleaves to deontological standards worthy of modern translators. A systematic analysis of the text reveals Marot’s choices of variation, as well as their deep coherence.

Haute Ecole de Gestion & Tourisme

Augmented Reality for Museums

Hischier, Evelyn ; Müller, Henning (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole de Gestion & Tourisme, 2015.

2016 nimmt Basel das 500. Jubiläum des Novum Instrumentum (neues Testament) von Erasmus von Rotterdam als Anlass diesen zu feiern. Dazu soll es eine Sonderausstellung in und um das Historische Museum in Basel geben. Verantwortlich für diese Ausstellung ist Marcel Henry, wissenschaftlicher Ausstellungsassistenz. Die Idee von Marcel Henry ist, dass eine App für iOS und Android eine...

Università della Svizzera italiana

The relational perspective on museum context = La prospettiva relazionale nel contesto museale

Zorzi Boletis, Yvonne ; Snehota, Ivan (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2006 ; 2006COM005.

This thesis, starting from the debate on museum’s roles and functions in modern society, raises some questions on the main issues museums have to face with the changes in contemporary society. The title of the research suggests the adoption of an alternative approach to the study and analysis of traditional museum’s activities, in fact the specific aim of this study is to present the museum...