Haute Ecole de Santé Valais

Darstellung des Therapieverlaufs einer Biofeedback-Entspannungstherapie bei Personen mit myofaszialen Triggerpunkten im Nacken-Schulter-Bereich / Andrea Britschgi

Britschgi, Andrea ; Pasche, Geneviève (Dir.)

Mémoire de bachelor : Haute Ecole de Santé Valais, 2007.

The aim of this exploratory before/after study was to investigate the course and effects of a 4-week Biofeedback-Relaxation program on myofascial Triggerpoints (MTrPs), electromyographic activity on upper trapezius muscle (EMG) as well as pain and disability. People suffering on headache, neck and shoulder pain associated with MTrPs in neck and shoulder girdle were inquired.