Université de Fribourg

Immagini sacre e pietà «topografica» presso i Minori

Bacci, Michele

In: Le immagini del Francescanesimo. Atti del XXXVI Convegno internazionale, Assisi (9-11 ottobre 2008), 2009, p. 31-57

Université de Fribourg

"Quel bello miracolo onde si fa la festa del santo Salvatore": studio sulle metamorfosi di una leggenda

Bacci, Michele

In: Santa Croce e Santo Volto. Contributi allo studio dell’origine e della fortuna del culto del Salvatore (secoli IX-XV), 2002, p. 1-86

Université de Fribourg

Pratica artistica e scambi culturali nel Levante dopo le crociate

Bacci, Michele

In: Medioevo: le officine, proceedings of the international symposium (Parma, 22-27.9.2009), 2010, p. 494-510

Université de Fribourg

Teofane il Greco: abilità e saggezza da Bisanzio alla Russia

Bacci, Michele

In: Artifex bonus. Il mondo dell’artista medievale, 2004, p. 177-186

Université de Fribourg

Relics of the Pharos Chapel: A View from the Latin West

Bacci, Michele

In: Eastern Christian Relics - Восточнохристианские реликвии, 2003, p. 234-248

This paper deals with the Medieval sources concerning the relics worshipped in the Pharos Chapel, the private church of the Basileus in the Imperial Palace of Constantinople. It especially focus on an hitherto neglected source by Leo Tuscus, a Pisan writer who made an accurate description of the church and witnessed the specific veneration for an image of the Mother of God "Oikokyra", perceived...

Université de Fribourg

Pisa bizantina. Alle origini del culto delle icone in Toscana

Bacci, Michele

In: Intorno al Sacro Volto. Genova, Bisanzio e il Mediterraneo (secoli XI-XIV), 2007, p. 63-78

Université de Fribourg

La moltiplicazione dei luoghi sacri lungo le vie d’acqua per Gerusalemme nel tardo Medioevo

Bacci, Michele

In: Peregrino, ruta y meta en las peregrinationes maiores. VIII Congreso internacional de estudios jacobeos (Santiago de Compostela, 13-15 Octubre 2010), 2012, p. 179-194

Université de Fribourg

Vieux clichés et nouveaux mythes: Constantinople, les icônes et la Méditerranée

Bacci, Michele

In: Perspective: actualités de la recherche en histoire de l'art, 2012, p. 347-364

Université de Fribourg

A Sacred Space for a Holy Icon: The Shrine of Our Lady of Saydnaya

Bacci, Michele

In: Hierotopy. Studies in the Making of Sacred Spaces. Material from the International Symposium, 2004, p. 132-134

The monastery of Our Lady of Saydnaya, located 22 km east of Damascus, still proves to be one of the most important cult-centres of present-day Syria; although it is inhabited and controlled by Christian (i.e. Greek Orthodox) nuns, its church, housing a very famous icon of the Virgin Mary, is daily visited also by a great many Muslim worshippers. Its renown dates back to the late 12th century,...