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Université de Fribourg

Analyse mathématique de la compétition entre les axones des neurones des ganglions sensitifs pour l'innervation d'une région de la peau

Kohli, Raymond ; Gabriel, Jean-Pierre (Dir.) ; Clarke, Peter (Codir.) ; Zwahlen, Bruno (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2001 ; no 1334.

Many neurons and axons are eliminated during the development of the nervous system. These cells and their connections are thus overproduced, and the organism has to destroy the surplus in order to function correctly. A major mechanism responsible for this elimination appears to be competition between cells for a substance necessary for their survival. To examine this hypothesis, the present work...

Université de Fribourg

Arabidopsis-Phytophthora, un pathosystème modèle pour la caractérisation d'une interaction entre une plante et un pathogène oomycète

Roetschi, Alexandra ; Mauch, Felix (Dir.) ; Gisi, Ulrich (Codir.) ; Métraux, Jean-Pierre (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2001 ; no 1345.

Oomycetes are pathogens responsible for many plant diseases over the world and the economical impact of their damage is quite important. Although these organisms show a mycelar growth, their biology is quite different from that of fungi. This makes them not easy to fight against and up to now no fungicide is able to stop an epidemy due to Oomycetes in a durable way. The particular biology of...

Université de Fribourg

Analyse de l'activité de glissements de terrain et relation avec les conditions climatiques : exemples dans les Préalpes fribourgeoises (Suisse)

Oswald, Daniel ; Caron, Christian (Dir.) ; Raetzo, Hugo (Codir.) ; Müller, Imre (Codir.) ; Strasser, André (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2003 ; no 1417.

Deep landslides (> 10 m) are generally characterized by phases of acceleration alternating with periods of lull, but most often lack real stabilization. Due to the continuous movement, it is difcult to evaluate the evolution of the activity. Therefore, a new methodology has been developed in order to precisely identify the sub-recent (20th century) and present evolution of deep landslide...

Université de Fribourg

La Bibliothèque centrale de l'EPFL remue ses méninges et ses meubles ! ou: un petit réaménagement avant la création d'un grand learning center

Cherbuin, Anne ; Feitknecht, Regula (Dir.) ; Chaintreau, Anne-Marie (Codir.)

Mémoire de Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) : Université de Fribourg, 2003.

L'Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne envisage la création, d'ici 2008, d'un Learning Center. Dans l'objectif de la réalisation du Learning Center, plusieurs projets sont entrepris, notamment le réaménagement et le rafraîchissement des locaux.

Université de Fribourg

Le Paléogène des synclinaux du Jura et de la bordure sud-rhénane : paléontologie (Ostracodes), paléoécologie, biostratigraphie et paléogéographie

Picot, Laurent ; Berger, Jean-Pierre (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2002 ; no 1375.

In the distal part of the Swiss Molassic basin, a typical foreland basin, the Jura Molasse is trapped within different synclines. This study focused on the paleogene deposits present in these synclines and as well as in the south border of the Graben. All formations mentionned in the literature were identified and a hiearchy was established. Each formation was defined and fixed on the...

Université de Fribourg

Sédimentologie, stratigraphie séquentielle et cyclostratigraphie du Kimméridgien du Jura suisse et du Bassin vocontien (France) : relations plate-forme - bassin et facteurs déterminants

Colombié, Claude ; Strasser, Andreas (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2002 ; no 1380.

A detailed sedimentological, sequential and cyclostratigraphic interpretation of the Kimmeridgian in the Swiss Jura defines the principal factors which control the different stages in the development of a shallow-water carbonate platform. A comparative study in the Vocontian Basin reveals their impact on hemipelagic and pelagic sedimentation. The sedimentary facies of three platform sections –...

Université de Fribourg

Les géographies de la grandeur et la transition du système de production alimentaire suisse

Gigon, Nathalie ; Ruegg, Jean (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 1999 ; no 1281.

Economy and territory are interdependent elements of the regional development process. These two components, indissociable from a region’s economic development, are taken into account in recent theories of regional science. Yet, after closer examination, the operational concepts developed in these theories prove to be limited. Although territory is perceived as having multiple aspects,...