Università della Svizzera italiana

Regulation, ownership and efficiency in the Swiss nursing home industry

Crivelli, Luca ; Filippini, Massimo ; Lunati, Diego

Switzerland is a federal State where policy decisions and implementation regarding long-term care regulation are by rights incumbent to the regional and local governments (Canton and Town Council). This situation is in part responsible for the large number of small nursing homes operating in Switzerland. Moreover, long-term care for the elderly is supplied by private for-profit nursing homes,...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Structural and managerial cost differences in nonprofit nursing homes

Di Giorgio, Laura ; Filippini, Massimo ; Masiero, Giuliano

In: Economic Modelling, 2015, vol. 51, p. 289-298

Population aging is challenging governments to find new solutions to finance the increasing demand for nursing home care and slow down the increase in expenditures. In this light, many European countries are currently considering reforms to increase efficiency in the provision of nursing home services. One popular restructuring policy is the transformation of public organizations into private...

Università della Svizzera italiana

An analysis of efficiency and productivity in Swiss hospitals

Farsi, Mehdi ; Filippini, Massimo

This paper examines the productive efficiency of the hospital sector in Switzerland. A panel data of 214 general hospitals over the four-year period between 1998 and 2001 has been analyzed. A descriptive analysis of the data casts some light on differences across hospital types especially regarding case mix severity and length of hospitalizations. The final sample used for the cost frontier...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Effects of ownership, subsidization and teaching activities on hospital costs in Switzerland

Farsi, Mehdi ; Filippini, Massimo

This paper explores the cost structure of Swiss hospitals, focusing on differences due to teaching activities and those across different ownership and subsidization types. A stochastic total cost frontier with a Cobb-Douglas functional form has been estimated for a panel of 150 general hospitals over the six-year period from 1998 and 2003. Inpatient cases adjusted by DRG cost weights and...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Regulation and measuring cost-efficiency with panel data models : application to electricity distribution utilities

Farsi, Mehdi ; Filippini, Massimo

In: Review of Industrial Organization, 2004, vol. 25, no. 1, p. 1-19

This paper examines the performance of panel data models in measuring cost efficiency of electricity distribution utilities. Different cost frontier models are applied to a sample of 59 utilities operating in Switzerland from 1988 to 1996. The estimated coefficients and inefficiency scores are compared across different specifications. The results indicate that while the average inefficiency is...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Cost efficiency in the Swiss gas distribution sector

Farsi, Mehdi ; Filippini, Massimo ; Kuenzle, Michael

In: Energy Economics, 2007, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 64-78

This paper studies the cost structure of gas distribution utilities in Switzerland. Three stochastic frontier models are applied to a panel of 26 companies operating from 1996 to 2000. Efficiency is assumed to be constant over time. The analysis highlights the importance of output characteristics such as customer density and network size. The results suggest that the utilities could slightly...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Economies of scale and efficiency measurement in Switzerland’s nursing homes

Farsi, Mehdi ; Filippini, Massimo ; Lunati, Diego

This paper examines the cost efficiency in the nursing home industry, an issue of concern to Swiss policy makers because of the explosive growth of national expenditure on elderly care and the aging of the population. A stochastic cost frontier model with a translog function has been applied to a balanced panel data of 1780 observations from 356 nursing homes operating over five years (1998-2002)...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Economies of scale and efficiency measurement in Switzerland's nursing homes

Farsi, Mehdi ; Filippini, Massimo ; Lunati, Diego

In: Swiss journal of economics and statistics, 2008, vol. 144, no. 3, p. 359-378

This paper examines the cost efficiency in the nursing home industry, an issue of concern to Swiss policy makers because of the explosive growth of national expenditure on elderly care and the aging of the population. A stochastic cost frontier model with a translog function has been applied to a balanced panel data of 1780 observations from 356 nursing homes operating over five years (1998-2002)...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Cost efficiency measurement in postal delivery networks

Filippini, Massimo ; Koller, Martin

The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of cost efficiency of Swiss Post’s postal delivery units to enable policy makers’ as well as Swiss Post to decide on the reactions to market changes. In particular, we use different panel data models to assess cost efficiency in these units to account for unobserved heterogeneity. The results from applying Mundlak’s formulation to the...