Università della Svizzera italiana

Adolf Loos à Vienne, Paris et Prague : habiter l’Europe de l’entre-deux-guerres

Poulot, Cécile ; Hildebrand, Sonja (Dir.) ; Trautmann-Waller, Céline (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2020 ; 2021ARC001.

This thesis examines the second part of the career of the architect Adolf Loos (1870-1933) from the end of the First World War until 1933, and especially after his departure from Vienna in 1923. From the mid-1920’s onwards, Loos built, projected and published between France, Czechoslovakia and Austria. Our working hypothesis is that, far from being a period "in hollow" as historiography has...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Paiements extérieurs et crises de dette : Vers un nouvel ordre monétaire international? = External payments and debt crises : toward a new international monetary order?

Zio, Adonija ; Bradley, Xavier (Dir.) ; Cencini, Alvaro (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2020 ; 2020ECO013.

The sovereign debt crisis is one of the most recurrent crises of the capitalist system. These crises emerge after a strong accumulation of debt by countries. The payment of this debt most often causes internal distortions and financial instability. Studies related to these issues favour the microeconomic approach and explain that the imprudent behaviour of debtors and creditors is at the basis...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Le rôle de l’assurance maladie dans la régulation du système de santé en Suisse

Bolgiani, Iva ; Crivelli, Luca ; Domenighetti, Gianfranco

In: Revue française des affaires sociales, 2006, vol. 60, no. 2-3, p. 239-262

Le système suisse d’assurance maladie se situe à mi-chemin entre une assurance sociale et une assurance privée. L'assurance est obligatoire et gérée par une pluralité de caisses maladies privées sans but lucratif, qui sont formellement en concurrence et offrant un panier identique de prestations. La prime de l’assurance est indépendante du revenu et varie en fonction du canton de...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Vers une analyse financière indépendante?

Degeorge, François

In: Revue d'économie financière, 2005, vol. 79, p. 221-227

We analyze financial analysts’ activities and their added value, the pressures on analyst independence, and the 2002 Global Agreement in the U.S. and its impact on independent financial analysis. Financial analysts are potentially confronted with many pressures on their independence. These pressures are inherent to the multiplicity of their activities, and are not necessarily due to conflicts...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Risk, robustness and knightian uncertainty in continuous-time, heterogenous agents, financial equilibria

Trojani, Fabio ; Vanini, Paolo

We analyze and compare analytically continuous-time financial equilibria where heterogeneous risk averse investors care about model misspecification through some preference for robustness and in the presence of a stochastic opportunity set. This incorporates a concern for model misspecification into equilibrium asset prices. Since no exact equilibrium computations are possible in this model...

Università della Svizzera italiana

La pensée et la parole : conversation, logique et rhétorique du management stratégique

Colombo, Gianluca ; La Rocca, Santa

La relation entre pensée et action stratégique a fait l’objet de plusieurs contributions dans le domaine de la stratégie et de l’organisation (Mintzberg 1990,1991 et 1996, Quinn 1980, Martinet 1993). D’autres articles (Morin 1989 e 1991, Le Moigne 1987 e 1995, Avenier 1992 e 1997, Martinet 1990, Colombo 1991) formulent le projet épistémologique de questionner la formation de la...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Le financement public de la R&D en Suisse 1969-1998

Lepori, Benedetto

This report presents basic data on the public financing of research and development in Switzerland from 1969 to 1998. Using the original data from the Swiss Federal Office for Statistics, the author has corrected and completed the time series for the different categories of expenditures, so that to allow for long-term comparison: the considered categories are the research of the public sector,...