Université de Fribourg

Changer le travail ou changer la société ? : Les hackers entre conformation à l'ordre social et volonté d'innover

Zufferey, Eric ; Surdez, Muriel (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Université de Fribourg, 2018.

Changing workplace or society? Hackers between compliance with the social order and the will to innovate. This thesis looks at hacking as source of social change, or even subversion of the social order. Hacking involves self-directed learning and remove social barriers between hobbyists, professionals and activists. Therefore, it raises the hope to renew the access to knowledge and the role of...

Université de Fribourg

Téléphone et coordination des soins intensifs à l’hôpital

Vaucher, Carla ; González Martínez, Esther

In: La revue de l'infirmière, 2015, no. 208, p. 38-39

Telephone and coordination of intensive care in hospital. The telephone is a central tool for the coordination of care in hospitals between the general wards and intensive care. Calls are short and frequent. They concern a wide variety of issues handled in parallel with other activities. This research, carried out by a Swiss team, examines the practices of telephone communication in...