Università della Svizzera italiana

Shorting ethos? : Aristotelian ethos in the context of corporate reputation, persuasion and shared values

Shanahan, Michael Ford ; Seele, Peter (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2017 ; 2017COM006.

Corporate ethics is a complex field of study that focuses on the sources and role of moral expectations among modern corporate stakeholders. While there has been significant theoretical development and adoption by practitioners on the topic over the past thirty years in the field, ethical scandals persist, almost at unprecedented levels. The pressure to meet short term shareholder financial...

Université de Fribourg

"Il parlait en homme qui a autorité" (Matthieu 7,29) : L’autorité de la parole ecclésiale en prédication (catéchèse, enseignement, pastorale,…)

Amherdt, François-Xavier

À l’exemple de la parole de Jésus qui s’imposait par son autorité humano-divine, le discours de la prédication ecclésiale prend tout son poids dans les assemblées contemporaines, s’il allie la qualité du logos – la construction du propos, par exemple avec une structure par enchâssement ‒, l’authenticité de l’ethos – l’engagement personnel croyant du prédicateur dans sa...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Regaining trust through argumentation in the context of the current financial-economic crisis

Palmieri, Rudy

In: Studies in communication sciences, 2009, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 59-78

This paper considers argumentation in the context of the current economic-financial crisis by focusing on the attempt made by UBS bank to retain stakeholders’ confidence. as a case in point, i analyze a press release through which the bank announces important changes in the Board of Directors. the text includes a clearly argumentative aim: convince stakeholders, in particular clients, to...