Università della Svizzera italiana

Holistic recommender systems for software engineering

Ponzanelli, Luca ; Lanza, Michele (Dir.) ; Mocci, Andrea (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2017 ; 2017INFO005.

The knowledge possessed by developers is often not sufficient to overcome a programming problem. Short of talking to teammates, when available, developers often gather additional knowledge from development artifacts (e.g., project documentation), as well as online resources. The web has become an essential component in the modern developer’s daily life, providing a plethora of information ...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Mining unstructured software data

Bacchelli, Alberto ; Lanza, Michele (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2013 ; 2013INFO003.

Our thesis is that the analysis of unstructured data supports software understanding and evolution analysis, and complements the data mined from structured sources. To this aim, we implemented the necessary toolset and investigated methods for exploring, exposing, and exploiting unstructured data.To validate our thesis, we focused on development email data. We found two main challenges in...