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Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

Die Lederfunde aus dem Schutthügel des römischen Legionslagers Vindonissa. Untersuchungen zum Konservierungszustand

Lang, Urs

Mémoire de master : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2014.

The garbage heap of the legionary camp of Vindonissa in the Canton of Aargau is well known for the leather finds it has produced. These leather objects were conserved, starting in 1941, by August Gansser and were mounted on 487 carton frames. By the 50's, he developed different methods of conservation and kept record of his activities in handwritten notebooks. The most commonly employed method...

Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration

Die Nachkonservierung eines mit flüssigmen Nylon (Catalon) konservierten ägyptischen Kallsteinreliefs

Lang, Urs

Mémoire de diplôme HES : Haute Ecole Arc Conservation-Restauration, 2014.

The goal of this work was to find a method to secure the fragile parts of the relief. Furthermore it was important to evaluate an exposition concept which enables the display of the object in the permanent exposition of the Archaeological Institute. First, the overall condition of the object and the necessary intervention steps were evaluated. It was attested that the relief was, mainly due to...