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Université de Fribourg

The Principle of Non-Discrimination in the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Besson, Samantha

In: International Journal of Children's Rights, 2005, vol. 13, no. 4, p. 433-461

Université de Fribourg

How International is the European Legal Order? : Retracing Tuori’s steps in the exploration of European legal pluralism

Besson, Samantha

In: No Foundations, 2008, vol. 5, p. 50-70

As Kaarlo Tuori has often emphasized, one of the most important challenges the current legal reality in Europe raises for legal theory lies in the integration of autonomous legal orders applying directly to the same people, hence the impact of this European brand of legal pluralism on traditional legal theories. Indeed, as I have argued elsewhere, what is needed in European legal theory is...

Université de Fribourg

Gender Discrimination under EU and ECHR Law : Never Shall the Twain Meet?

Besson, Samantha

In: Human Rights Law Review, 2008, vol. 8, no. 4, p. 647-682

Gender discrimination is addressed differently under Article 14 ECHR and EU primary and secondary legal provisions. This is no wonder, since the role and scope of non- discrimination law in both legal orders are not the same, and since the scope of jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice applying those provisions differ drastically as well.While...

Université de Fribourg

Une Institution nationale des droits de l'homme en Suisse: Comment, mais surtout pourquoi? = A National human rights institution for Switzerland: How, but above all why?

Besson, Samantha

In: Jusletter, 2008, p. 1-9

La Journée d’étude annuelle de la Section suisse de la Commission internationale de juristes sur le thème « Eine Menschenrechtsinstitution für die Schweiz ? Une institution des droits de l’homme pour la Suisse ? » a eu lieu le 3 avril 2008 à Berne. En première partie de journée, différents intervenants ont présenté la question du rôle et du mandat des institutions nationales...

Université de Fribourg

From European Integration to European Integrity : Should European Law Speak with Just One Voice?

Besson, Samantha

In: European Law Journal, 2004, vol. 10, no. 3, p. 257-281

This article examines whether and how the moral principle of legal coherence or integrity, which has recently been developed further as a response to disagreement in the national legal context, applies to European law. According to the European integrity principle, all national and European authorities should make sure their decisions cohere with the past decisions of other European and national...

Université de Fribourg

Das Grundrecht auf Kenntnis der eigenen Abstammung : Wege und Auswirkungen der Konkretisierung eines Grundrechts = The right to know one's origins

Besson, Samantha

In: Jusletter, 2005, vol. 1, p. 39-71

Die Frage, ob jedem von uns ein von der Rechtsordnung geschützter Anspruch auf Kenntnis seiner eigenen biologischen Abstammung und damit auch seiner leiblichen Eltern zusteht, hat in der Schweiz zu einer der schwierigsten Gesellschaftsdebatten in den letzten zwanzig Jahren geführt. Nach einer langen Kontroverse wurde das Grundrecht auf Kenntnis der eigenen Abstammung schliesslich 2002...

Université de Fribourg

Enforcing the Child's Right to Know Her Origins : Contrasting Approches under the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the European Convention on Human Rights

Besson, Samantha

In: International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 2007, vol. 21, p. 137-159

The justifi cation of the child’s right to know her origins and the fundamental interests underlying it have attracted a lot of attention in recent years. This article goes one step further and assesses that right’s enforcement in practice together with its guiding principles. It starts by restating what the right consists in and what interests it protects according to different...

Université de Fribourg

Future Challenges of European Citizenship : Facing a Wide-open Pandora's Box

Besson, Samantha ; Utzinger, André

In: European Law Journal, 2007, vol. 13, no. 5, p. 573-590

Object of a burgeoning literature in the past decade, the topic of Union citizenship has been sidelined in the past few years by the enlargement process and the constitutional debate in Europe. This apparent academic neglect does not reflect the legal, social and political reality, however, given the crucial development of EU citizenship rights in the legislation and case-law since 2002 and...

Université de Fribourg

Europe as a Demoi-cratic Polity

Besson, Samantha

In: Retfaerd - Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift, 2007/30/1/116/3-21

The question of democratic legitimacy in Europe has resurfaced with a particular gravity after the French and Dutch rejection of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in 2005. By concentrating on the supranational or international level of governance in the EU, accounts of European democracy propounded since the early 1990s have diverted attention away from the national level. Since...

Université de Fribourg

La légitimité de l'arbitrage international d'investissement = The Legitimacy of International Investment Arbitration

Besson, Samantha

In: Jusletter, 2005, p. 1-22

L´arbitrage international d´investissement, tel qu´il est pratiqué à l´heure actuelle, souffre d´un problème de légitimité. Le problème tient à ce qu´en voulant remédier aux défaillances politiques et judiciaires des pays d´investissement et protéger les intérêts des investisseurs, on a transposé sans autre une méthode de résolution des différends entre particuliers à...