National Licences

National Licences
National Licences
The national licences of the Consortium of Swiss academic libraries provide the Swiss population with access to selected digital journal archives (see: According to the terms of the agreements, the members of Swiss institutions have the right to publish their research articles after an embargo time in the published version (Green Open Access). RERO DOC undertakes the central webhosting of these research articles.
Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Konvektiver Transport als möglicher Mechanismus bei Knochenumbauprozessen

Knothe Tate, M. L. ; Niederer, P. ; Tepic, S.

In: Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 1996, vol. 41, no. s1, p. 100-101

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Multispektrales Kamerasystem für Echtfarben Reproduktion

Israel, G. ; Niederer, P.

In: Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 1996, vol. 41, no. s1, p. 482-483

Consortium of Swiss Academic Libraries

Hochauflösendes Echtfarben Video System für minimal invasive Applikationen

Orelli, A. ; Lehareinger, Y. ; Niederer, P. ; Heynemann, T.

In: Biomedizinische Technik/Biomedical Engineering, 1996, vol. 41, no. s1, p. 480-481