Verbands-Management VM

Verbands-Management VM
The journal «Verbands-Management» (VM) started in 1976, publishes every four months with current contributions around the Third Sector. The editors are based at the Institute for Research on Management of Associations, Foundations and Co-operatives (VMI) of the University of Freiburg (CH). The aim of the publication is to make modern management knowledge available to NPOs through original contributions by scientists and practitioners to reach a broad readership. Accordingly, various contributions deal with new management tools and techniques or practical application examples. In addition, the VM reports in scientific papers on relevant research results in the Third Sector. Current developments in the NPO sector in Switzerland, Germany and Austria are also taken up and commented on by qualified authors. Book reviews, news from the Third Sector and information on conferences and important events complete the publication.

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Université de Fribourg

Fahrt zur Hölle! : Über QM an Universitäten

Meier, Jörg D. ; Thom, Norbert

In: Verbands-Management, 2018, vol. 44, no. 3, p. 45-51

In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten ist Qualitätsmanagement zu einer zentralen Aufgabe des Hochschulmanagements geworden, die erstaunlicherweise jedoch in vielen Fällen noch immer in wenig systematischer Art und Weise wahrgenommen wird. Dies zu ändern war dasZiel einer 15 Jahre lang laufenden Langzeitstudie an der Universität Bern, in deren Rahmen ein Entscheidungsmodell für ein...