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Université de Fribourg

Cambodian Labour in Chinese-Owned Enterprises in Sihanoukville : An Insight into the Living and Working Conditions of Cambodian Labourers in the Construction, Casino and Manufacturing Sectors

Buckley, Joe ; Eckerlein, Christian

In:, 2020, vol. 2, no. 2, p. Forum: 2.2

China is by far Cambodia’s largest foreign investor. These investments are said to have had a huge impact on Cambodia’s economic, political, cultural, and physical landscape. Sihanoukville, Cambodia’s largest coastal city, has seen particularly massive inflows of Chinese investment, especially in the casino, construction and manufacturing sectors. Based on semi-structured interviews, this...

Université de Fribourg

Household Wellbeing and Health in Two Types of Welfare Regimes : A Comparison of (Lower -) Middle Income Households in Chile and Costa Rica

Budowski, Monica ; Vera, Daniel

In:, 2016, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article: 1.3

Chile and Costa Rica’s health care systems fare well regarding health indicators. They vary corresponding to their welfare regimes: liberal-informal and social-democratic-informal. We compare how households in precarious prosperity, which are particularly dependent on institutional arrangements, deal with health. We ask: to what extent do health care systems, visible in household strategies,...

Université de Fribourg

Editorial - Erosion of the Middle Class?

Budowski, Monica ; Schief, Sebastian

In:, 2019, vol. 1, no. 1, p. Article: 1.1

Université de Fribourg

Peer effects on perseverance

Buechel, Berno ; Mechtenberg, Lydia ; Petersen, Julia

(Working Papers SES ; 488)

Successful performance – be it in school, at the job, or in sports activities – requires perseverance, i.e., persistent work on a demanding task. We investigate in a controlled laboratory experiment how an individual’s social environment affects perseverance. We find evidence for two kinds of peer effects: being observed by a peer can serve as a commitment device, while observing a peer can...

Université de Fribourg

The strength of weak leaders - an experiment on social influence and social learning in teams

Buechel, Berno ; Klössner, Stefan ; Lochmüller, Martin ; Rauhut, Heiko

(Working Papers SES ; 486)

We investigate how the selection process of a leader affects team performance with respect to social learning. We use a lab experiment in which an incentivized guessing task is repeated in a star network with the leader at the center. Leader selection is either based on competence, on self-confidence, or made at random. Teams with random leaders do not underperform compared to rather competent...

Université de Fribourg

The swing voter's curse in social networks

Buechel, Berno ; Mechtenberg, Lydia

(Working Papers SES ; 485)

We study private communication in social networks prior to a majority vote on two alternative policies. Some (or all) agents receive a private imperfect signal about which policy is correct. They can, but need not, recommend a policy to their neighbors in the social network prior to the vote. We show theoretically and empirically that communication can undermine efficiency of the vote and hence...

Université de Fribourg

Zusammenarbeit zwischen Vorstand und Geschäftsführung in Verbänden und anderen Nonprofit Organisationen

Bürgisser, Sarah

(Working Papers SES ; 431)

Eine gut funktionierende Zusammenarbeit zwischen ehrenamtlichen und hauptamtlichen Mitarbeitenden, insbesondere aber zwischen der hauptamtlichen Geschäftsführung und dem ehrenamtlichen Vorstand, ist für den Erfolg einer jeden Nonprofit-Organisation (NPO) von zentraler Bedeutung. Aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Rahmenbedingungen von Ehrenamt und Hauptamt gestaltet sich diese Zusammenarbeit...

Université de Fribourg

Verunsicherung in den Mittelschichten? : Konzeptionelle und methodische Erwägungen sowie empirische Befunde zur aktuellen Entwicklung in Deutschland

Burzan, Nicole ; Kohrs, Silke ; Schad, Miriam

In:, 2019, vol. 1, no. 3, p. Article: 1.3

Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Debatte zunehmender Statusverunsiche-rungen in den (deutschen) Mittelschichten. Ein Fokus liegt auf der Präsentation ei-gener quantitativer und qualitativer Befunde und den damit verbundenen methodi-schen Herausforderungen (z.B. der Operationalisierung). Quantitative Befunde zei-gen, dass geäußerte ökonomische Sorgen rückläufig sind. Zugleich...