Université de Fribourg

Ein integratives Modell zur Analyse von Fachidentität in der Kommunikationswissenschaft : Theoretische Entwicklung und eine Fallstudie zu 50 Jahren - Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung in Fribourg

Rohrbach, Tobias ; Oehmer, Franziska ; Schönhagen, Philomen

In: Medien & Zeit, 2017, vol. 32, no. 2, p. 56-67

Die kommunikationswissenschaftliche Beschäftigung mit Fachidentität hat in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten stark zugenommen. Während sozialwissenschaftlich- empirische Studien vor allem aktuelle Fachinhalte mit Blick auf die verwendeten Theorien, Methoden und Gegenstände betrachten, befassen sich Beiträge aus einer fachhistorischen Perspektive verstärkt mit der institutionellen, personellen...

Université de Fribourg

Exploration empirique de la richesse lexicale : la perception humaine

Bonvin, Audrey ; Lambelet, Amelia

In: Linguistik online, 2019/100/7/19/65-94

We investigate how untrained readers perceive the lexical richness of short texts written by 8 to 10-year-olds in French, German and Portuguese. Seven untrained adults rated the lexical richness of a set of argumentative and narrative texts on Likert Scales while performing on a Think Aloud Protocol (TAP) task. Results show that raters consider other criteria than solely vocabulary in their...

Università della Svizzera italiana

The ageing society : analyzing the coverage of the population ageing in a Belgian quality newspaper

Torben-Nielsen, Karen ; Russ-Mohl, Stephan (Dir.) ; Suggs, Suzanne (Codir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2016 ; 2016COM010.

This study has examined how the ‘Ageing Society’ -a society with a rapidly ageing population, a growing share of older persons and a decreasing share of younger persons- and its implications for the Belgian population are represented in the Belgian quality newspaper De Standaard (2011-2013). As such, the study delivered first-time Belgian empirical findings about the coverage of the...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Do journalists' opinions affect news selection in a low-key conflict? : Newspaper coverage of the discussion of smoking bans in Switzerland

Schulz, Peter J. ; Hartung, Uwe ; Fiordelli, Maddalena

In: Journalism and mass communication quarterly, 2012, vol. 89, no. 3, p. 414-430

This quantitative content analysis applies the theory of instrumental actualization to Swiss newspaper coverage of smoking bans in public places. The theory holds that journalists' opinions affect news selection; it is studied here for the weighting and evaluation of arguments in news stories. The editorial stance of newspapers was related to the weighting of argumentative fields and the...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Darstellung von Übergewicht in Deutschschweizer Printmedien von 1955 bis 2005 = Presentation of obesity in Swiss-German newspapers from 1955 to 2005

Furrer, Cristina ; Schulz, Peter (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2009.

This dissertation examines the question, how Swiss German media cover the topic of overweight. Over the last years overweight has gained an increased interest in the Swiss media. The public awareness for overweight and obesity in Switzerland was raised in the mid 1980ies. In newspapers the topic gained public interest in the 1990ies, parallel to the publication of the fourth Swiss report on...

Università della Svizzera italiana

Argumentative moves in the public discussion on the smoking ban = Le mosse argomentative nella discussione pubblica sul divieto di fumo

Fiordelli, Maddalena ; Schulz, Peter (Dir.)

Thèse de doctorat : Università della Svizzera italiana, 2009.

Discussion on the introduction of the smoking ban in Ticino has all the characteristics of a debate, where every participant takes a position. In this context, observing argumentative content means reconstructing the core of the discussion. However, understanding argumentative content is difficult because argumentation is a complex activity. Content analysis allows reconstruction of a small...