#NEXUS BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=29; TAXLABELS Tapirus_terrestris Hyrachyus_eximius Epiaceratherium_bolcense Epiaceratherium_naduongense Epiaceratherium_magnum Epiaceratherium_delemontense Molassitherium_albigense Mesaceratherium_sp_nov Mesaceratherium_gaimersheimense Mesaceratherium_welcommi Pleuroceros_pleuroceros Pleuroceros_blanfordi Uintaceras_radinskyi Teletaceras_radinskyi Penetrigonias_dakotensis Trigonias_osborni Amphicaenopus_platycephalus Subhyracodon_occidentalis Protaceratherium_minutum Diceratherium_armatum Ronzotherium_filholi Aceratherium_incisivum Teleoceras_fossiger Brachypotherium_brachypus Prosantorhinus_douvillei Alicornops_simorrense Lartetotherium_sansaniense Mesaceratherium_paulhiacense Plesiaceratherium_platyodon ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE Matrix_Tissier_et_al._2019; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=288; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD RESPECTCASE GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F G H J K M N P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h j k m n p q r s t u v w x y z"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Nasal: lateral apophysis = 0, absent; 1, present ', 2 'Maxillary: foramen infraorbitalis = 0 above P1-2; 1 = above P3; 2 = above P4; 3, above molars ', 3 'Nasal notch = 0, above P1-2; 1 = above P3; 2, above P4-M1', 4 'Nasal septum = 0, never ossi?ed; 1, ossi?ed (even sometimes)', 5 'Nasal septum: ossi?ed = 0, partially; 1, totally', 6 'Nasal/lacrymal: contact = 0, long; 1, punctual or absent ', 7 'Orbit: anterior border = 0, above P4?M2; 1, above M3; 2, behind M3 ', 8 'Lacrymal: processus lacrymalis = 0, present; 1, absent ', 9 'Frontal: processus postorbitalis = 0, present; 1, absent', 10 'Maxillary: anterior base of the processus zygomaticus maxillari = 0, high; 1, low ', 11 'Zygomatic arch = 0, low; 1, high; 2, very high ', 12 'Zygomatic arch: processus postorbitalis = 0, present; 1, absent ', 13 'Zygomatic arch: processus postorbitalis = 0, on jugal; 1, on squamosal ', 14 'Jugal/squamosal: suture = 0, smooth; 1, rough ', 15 'Skull: dorsal profile = 0, flat; 1, concave; 2, very concave', 16 'Sphenoid: foramen sphenorbitale and f. rotundum = 0, distinct; 1, fused ', 17 'Squamosal: area between temporal and nuchal crests = 0, ?at; 1, depression ', 18 'External auditory pseudomeatus = 0, open; 1, partially closed; 2, closed ', 19 'Occipital side = 0, inclined forward; 1, vertical; 2, inclined backward ', 20 'Occipital: nuchal tubercle = 0, little developed; 1, developed; 2, very developed ', 21 'Skull: back of teeth row = 0, in the posterior half; 1, restricted to the anterior half ', 22 'Pterygoid: posterior margin = 0 nearly horizontal; 1, nearly vertical ', 23 'Skull = 0, dolichocephalic; 1, brachycephalic ', 24 'Nasal bones: rostral end = 0, narrow; 1, broad; 2, very broad ', 25 'Nasal bones = 0, totally separated; 1, anteriorly separated; 2, fused ', 26 'Nasal bones = 0, long; 1, short; 2, very long ', 27 'Median nasal horn = 0, absent; 1, present ', 28 'Median nasal horn = 0, small; 1, developed ', 29 'Paired nasal horns = 0, absent; 1, present ', 30 'Paired nasal horns = 0, terminal bumps; 1, lateral crests', 31 'Frontal horn = 0, absent; 1, present ', 32 'Frontal horn = 0, small; 1, huge', 33 'Orbit: lateral projection = 0, absent; 1, present ', 34 'Zygomatic width/frontal width = 0, less than 1.5; 1, more than 1.5 ', 35 'Frontal-parietal = 0, sagittal crest; 1, close frontoparietal crests; 2, distant crests ', 36 'Occipital crest = 0, straight; 1, concave; 2, forked ', 37 'Maxillary: processus zygomaticus maxillari, anterior tip = 0, progressive; 1, brutal ', 38 'Vomer = 0, acute; 1, rounded ', 39 'Squamosal: articular tubercle = 0, smooth; 1 high ', 40 'Squamosal: transversal pro?le of articular tubercle = 0, straight; 1, concave ', 41 'Squamosal: foramen postglenoideum = 0, distant from the processus postglenoidalis; 1, close to it ', 42 'Squamosal: processus postglenoidalis = 0, ?at; 1, convex; 2, dihedron ', 43 'Basioccipital: foramen nervi hypoglossi = 0, in the middle of the fossa; 1 shift anteroexternally ', 44 'Basioccipital: sagittal crest on the basilar process = 0, absent; 1, present ', 45 'Squamosal: posterior groove on the processus zygomaticus = 0, absent; 1, present ', 46 'Squamosal-occipital: processus post-tympanicus and processus paraoccipitalis = 0, fused; 1, distant', 47 'Squamosal: processus post-tympanicus = 0, well developed; 1, little developed; 2, huge ', 48 'Occipital: processus paraoccipitalis = 0, well developed; 1, little developed ', 49 'Occipital: foramen magnum = 0, circular; 1, subtriangular ', 50 'Basioccipital: median ridge on the condyle = 0, present 1, absent ', 51 'Basioccipital: medial truncation on the condyle = 0, absent; 1, present ', 52 'Basioccipital: medial truncation on the condyle = 0, present at juvenile stage; 1, still present at adult stage ', 53 'Symphysis = 0, very upraised; 1, upraised; 2, nearly horizontal', 54 'Symphysis = 0, spindly; 1, massive; 2, very massive', 55 'Symphysis: posterior margin = 0, in front of p2; 1, level of p2-4', 56 'Foramen mentale = 0, in front of p2; 1, level of p2-4', 57 'Corpus mandibulae: lingual groove = 0, present; 1, absent', 58 'Corpus mandibulae: lingual groove = 0, still present at adult stage; 1, present at juvenile stage only', 59 'Corpus mandibulae: base = 0, straight; 1, convex; 2, very convex', 60 'Ramus = 0, inclined forward; 1, vertical; 2, inclined backward', 61 'Ramus: processus coronoideus = 0, well developed; 1, little developed', 62 'Foramen mandibulare = 0, below the teeth neck; 1, above the teeth neck', 63 'Compared length of the premolars/molars rows = 0 (100 * LP3?4/LM1?3) > 50; 1, 42 < (100 * LP3?4/LM1?3) < 50; 2 (100 * LP3?4/LM1?3) < 42 ', 64 'Cheek teeth: enamel foldings = 0, absent; 1, weak; 2, developed; 3, intense ', 65 'Cheek teeth: cement = 0, absent; 1, present ', 66 'Cheek teeth: cement = 0, weak or variable; 1, abundant', 67 'Cheek teeth: shape of enamel = 0, wrinkled; 1, wrinkled and corrugated; 2, corrugated and arborescent', 68 'Cheek teeth: crown = 0, low; 1, high ', 69 'Cheek teeth: crown = 0, high; 1, partial hypsodonty; 2, subhypsodonty; 3, hypsodonty ', 70 'Cheek teeth: roots = 0, distinct; 1, joined; 2, fused ', 71 'I1 = 0, present; 1, absent ', 72 'I1: shape of the crown (cross-section) = 0, almond; 1, oval; 2, halfmoon (NA) ', 73 'I2 = 0, present; 1, absent ', 74 'I3 = 0, present; 1, absent ', 75 'C = 0, present; 1, absent ', 76 'i1 = 0, present; 1, absent', 77 'i1: crown = 0, developed, with a pronounced neck; 1, reduced', 78 'i2 = 0, present; 1, absent', 79 'i2: shape = 0, incisor-like; 1, tusk-like', 80 'i2: orientation = 0, parallel; 1, divergent', 81 'i3 = 0, present; 1, absent', 82 'c = 0, present; 1, absent', 83 'Upper premolars: labial cingulum = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, usually absent; 3, always absent', 84 'P2?4: crochet = 0, always absent; 1, usually present; 2, always present ', 85 'P2?4: crochet = 0, always simple; 1, usually simple; 2, usually multiple ', 86 'P2?4: hypocone = 0, connected to the ectoloph; 1, disconnected', 87 'P2?4: lingual cingulum = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, usually absent; 3, always absent', 88 'P2?4: lingual cingulum = 0, continuous; 1, reduced', 89 'P2?4: postfossette = 0, narrow; 1, wide; 2, posterior wall ', 90 'P2?3: antecrochet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 91 'P1 (in adults) = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, always absent ', 92 'P1: anterolingual cingulum = 0, present; 1, absent ', 93 'P2 = 0, present; 1, absent ', 94 'P2: protocone and hypocone = 0, fused; 1, lingual bridge; 2, separated; 3, lingual wall (NA) ', 95 'P2: metaloph = 0, hypocone posterior to metacone; 1, transverse; 2, hypocone anterior to metacone', 96 'P2: lingual groove = 0, present; 1, absent ', 97 'P2: protocone = 0, equal or stronger than the hypocone; 1, less strong than the hypocone', 98 'P2: protoloph = 0, present; 1, absent ', 99 'P2: protoloph = 0, joined to the ectoloph; 1, interrupted', 100 'P3?4: medifossette = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 101 'P3?4: constriction of the protocone = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 102 'P3?4: protocone and hypocone = 0, fused; 1, lingual bridge; 2, separated; 3, lingual wall (NA) ', 103 'P3?4: metaloph = 0, hypocone anterior to metacone; 1, transverse; 2, hypocone posterior to metacone ', 104 'P3: protoloph = 0, joined to the ectoloph; 1, interrupted', 105 'P3: crista = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present ', 106 'P3: pseudometaloph = 0, always absent; 1, sometimes present ', 107 'P4: antecrochet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present ', 108 'P4: metaloph = 0, continuous; 1, discontinuous', 109 'Upper molars: labial cingulum = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, usually absent; 3, always absent ', 110 'Upper molars: antecrochet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 111 'Upper molars: crochet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 112 'Upper molars: crista = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 113 'Upper molars: medifossette = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present', 114 'Upper molars: lingual cingulum = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, usually absent; 3, always absent ', 115 'M1-2: constriction of the protocone = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present ', 116 'M1-2: constriction of the protocone = 0, weak; 1, strong', 117 'M1-2: paracone fold = 0, present; 1, absent ', 118 'M1-2: paracone fold = 0, strong; 1, weak ', 119 'M1-2: metacone fold = 0, present; 1, absent ', 120 'M1-2: metastyle = 0, short; 1, long ', 121 'M1-2: metaloph = 0, long; 1, short ', 122 'M1-2: posterior part of the ectoloph = 0, straight; 1, concave ', 123 'M1-2: cristella = 0, always absent; 1, usually present; 2, always present ', 124 'M1-2: posterior cingulum = 0, continuous; 1, low and reduced ', 125 'M1: metaloph = 0, continuous; 1, hypocone isolated ', 126 'M1: antecrochet-hypocone = 0, always separated; 1, sometimes joined; 2, always joined ', 127 'M1: postfossette = 0, present; 1, usually absent ', 128 'M2: protocone, lingual groove = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, always present ', 129 'M2: hypocone anterolingual goove = 0, absent; 1, present', 130 'M2: mesostyle = 0, absent; 1, present ', 131 'M2: mesostyle = 0, weak; 1, strong ', 132 'M2: antecrochet and hypocone = 0, separated; 1, joined', 133 'M3: ectoloph and metaloph = 0, distinct; 1, fused (ectometaloph) ', 134 'M3: shape = 0, quadrangular; 1, triangular ', 135 'M3: constriction of the protocone = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, always present', 136 'M3: protocone = 0, trefoil-shape; 1, indented ', 137 'M3: protoloph = 0, transverse; 1, lingually elongated', 138 'M3: posterior groove on the ectometaloph = 0, present; 1, absent ', 139 'p2-3: vertical external roughnesses = 0, absent; 1, present ', 140 'Lower cheekteeth: external groove = 0, smooth, U-shaped; 1, developed; 2, angular, V-shaped (NA)', 141 'Lower cheekteeth: external groove = 0, vanishing before the neck; 1, developed until the neck', 142 'Lower cheekteeth: trigonid = 0, angular; 1, rounded', 143 'Lower cheekteeth: trigonid = 0, obtuse or right dihedron; 1, acute dihedron', 144 'Lower cheekteeth: metaconid = 0, joined to the metalophid; 1, constricted', 145 'Lower cheekteeth: entoconid = 0, joined to the hypolophid; 1, constricted', 146 'Lower premolars: lingual opening of the posterior valley = 0, U-shape; 1, narrow, V-shape', 147 'Lower premolars: lingual cingulum = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, usually absent; 3, always absent', 148 'Lower premolars: lingual cingulum = 0, reduced; 1, continuous', 149 'Lower premolars: labial cingulum = 0, present; 1, absent', 150 'Lower premolars: labial cingulum = 0, continuous; 1, reduced', 151 'd1/p1 in adults = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, usually absent; 3, always absent', 152 'd1: 0, always two-rooted; 1, usually two-rooted; 2, always one-rooted', 153 'p2 = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, always absent', 154 'p2: paralophid = 0, isolated, spur-like; 1, curved, without constriction', 155 'p2: paraconid = 0, developed; 1, reduced', 156 'p2: posterior valley = 0, lingually open; 1, usually closed; 2, always closed', 157 'Lower molars: lingual cingulum = 0, always present; 1, often absent; 2, always absent', 158 'Lower molars: lingual cingulum = 0, reduced; 1, continuous', 159 'Lower molars: labial cingulum = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, usually absent; 3, always absent', 160 'Lower molars: labial cingulum = 0, continuous; 1, reduced', 161 'Lower molars: hypolophid = 0, transverse; 1, oblique; 2, almost sagittal', 162 'm2-3: lingual groove of the entoconid = 0, absent; 1, present', 163 'dI1 = 0, present; 1, absent ', 164 'dI2 = 0, present; 1, absent ', 165 'D2: mesostyle = 0, present; 1, absent ', 166 'D3?4: mesostyle = 0, absent; 1, present ', 167 'D2: lingual wall = 0, absent; 1, present ', 168 'D2: secondary folds = 0, absent; 1, present ', 169 'D2: mesoloph = 0, absent; 1, present ', 170 'di1 = 0, present; 1, absent', 171 'di2 = 0, present; 1, absent', 172 'Lower milk teeth: constriction of the metaconid = 0, present; 1, absent', 173 'Lower milk teeth: constriction of the entoconid = 0, absent; 1, present', 174 'Lower milk teeth: protoconid fold = 0, present; 1, absent', 175 'd1 (in juveniles) = 0, present; 1, absent', 176 'd2-3: vertical external roughnesses = 0, absent; 1, present', 177 'd2-3: ectolophid fold = 0, present; 1, absent', 178 'd2: anterior groove on the ectolophid = 0, absent; 1, present', 179 'd2: paralophid = 0, simple; 1, double', 180 'd2: posterior valley = 0, always open; 1, usually open; 2, usually closed; 3, always closed', 181 'd3: paralophid = 0, double; 1, simple', 182 'd3: lingual groove on the entoconid = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, always present', 183 'Atlas: outline of the rachidian canal = 0, bulb; 1, mushroom', 184 'Atlas: alar notch = 0, absent; 1, present', 185 'Atlas: foramen vertebrale lateralis = 0, absent; 1, present', 186 'Atlas: condyle-facets = 0, comma-like; 1, kidney-like', 187 'Atlas: axis-facets = 0, straight; 1, sigmoid; 2, transversally concave NA', 188 'Atlas: foramen transversarium = 0, present; 1, absent', 189 'Atlas: foramen transversarium = beside the axis-facet; 1, hidden by the axis-facet', 190 'Scapula = 0, elongated (1.52); 2, spatula-shaped (H/APD<1.5)', 191 'Scapula: glenoid fossa = 0, oval; 1, medial border straight', 192 'Humerus: greater trochiter = 0, high; 1, low', 193 'Humerus: fossa olecrani = 0, high; 1, low', 194 'Humerus: distal articulation = 0, egg cup (shallow median constriction); 1, diabolo (deep median constriction)', 195 'Humerus: scar on the trochlea = 0, absent; 1, present', 196 'Humerus: distal gutter on the epicondyle = 0, absent; 1, present', 197 'Radius: anterior border of the proximal articulation = 0, straight; 1, M-shaped', 198 'Radius: medial border of the diaphysis = 0, straight; 1, concave', 199 'Radius: proximal ulna-facets = 0, always separated; 1, usually separated; 2, usually fused; 3, always fused', 200 'Radius: insertion of the m. biceps brachii = 0, shallow; 1, deep', 201 'Radius/ulna = 0, independent; 1, in contact or fused', 202 'Radius: gutter for the m. extensor carpi = 0, deep and wide; 1, weak', 203 'Radius/ulna: second distal articulation = 0, absent; 1, present', 204 'Radius: posterior expansion of the scaphoid-facet = 0, low; 1, high', 205 'Ulna: angle between diaphysis and olecranon = 0, open; 1, closed', 206 'Ulna: anterior tubercle on the distal end = 0, absent; 1, present', 207 'Scaphoid: postero-proximal facet with semilunate = 0, present; 1, absent or contact', 208 'Scaphoid: trapezium-facet = 0, large; 1, small', 209 'Scaphoid: magnum-facet in lateral view = 0, concave; 1, straight', 210 'Scaphoid: comparison between anterior and posterior heights = 0, equal; 1, Hant < H post', 211 'Semilunate: ulna-facet = 0, absent; 1, present', 212 'Semilunate: distal border of anterior side = 0, acute; 1, rounded', 213 'Semilunate: anterior side = 0, keeled; 1, smooth', 214 'Pyramidal: distal facet for semilunate = 0, symmetric; 1, asymmetric; 2, Lshaped', 215 'Pyramidal: distal side = 0, triangular; 1, elliptic', 216 'Trapezoid: proximal border in anterior view = 0, symmetric; 1, asymmetric', 217 'Magnum: proximal border of the anterior side = 0, nearly straight; 1, concave', 218 'Magnum: indentation on the medial side = 0, absent; 1, present', 219 'Magnum: indentation on the medial side = 0, always shallow; 1, usually shallow; 2, always deep', 220 'Magnum: posterior tuberosity = 0, short; 1, long', 221 'Magnum: posterior tuberosity = 0, curved; 1, straight', 222 'Unciform: pyramidal-facet and McV-facet = 0, always separate; 1, usually separate; 2, always in contact', 223 'Unciform: posterior expansion of the pyramidal-facet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 224 'McII: magnum-facet = 0, curved; 1, straight', 225 'McII: anterior McIII-facet = 0, present; 1, sometimes absent', 226 'McII: posterior McIII-facet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, always present', 227 'McII: anterior and posterior McIII-facets = 0, separated; 1, fused', 228 'McII: trapezium-facet = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, always absent', 229 'McIII: magnum-facet in anterior view = 0, visible; 1, invisible', 230 'McIV: proximal facet, outline = 0, trapezoid; 1, pentagonal; 2, triangular', 231 'McV: 0, functional; 1, vestigial', 232 'Metacarpals: insertion of the m. extensor carpalis = 0, flat; 1, salient', 233 'Coxal: acetabulum = 0, oval or circular; 1, subtriangular', 234 'Femur: trochanter major = 0, high; 1, low', 235 'Femur: head = 0, hemispheric; 1, medially stiff', 236 'Femur: surface of epiphysis of the head = 0, flat; 1, crescent-shaped', 237 'Femur: fovea capitis = 0, present; 1, absent', 238 'Femur: fovea capitis = 0, high and narrow; 1, low and wide', 239 'Femur: third trochanter = 0, developed; 1, very developed', 240 'Femur: relations between the medial lip of the trochlea and the diaphysis = 0, rupture; 1, ramp', 241 'Femur: proximal border of the patellar trochlea = 0, curved; 1, straight', 242 'Tibia: antero-distal groove = 0, present; 1, absent', 243 'Tibia: medio-distal gutter (tendon m. tibialis posterior) = 0, always present; 1, usually present; 2, always absent', 244 'Tibia: medio-distal gutter = 0, shallow; 1, deep', 245 'Tibia-fibula = 0, independent; 1, in contact or fused', 246 'Tibia: posterior apophysis = 0, high; 1, low', 247 'Tibia: posterior apophysis = 0, acute; 1, rounded', 248 'Fibula: proximal articulation = 0, low; 1, high', 249 'Fibula: distal end = 0, slender; 1, robust', 250 'Fibula: latero-distal gutter (tendon peronaeus muscles) = 0, shallow; 1, deep', 251 'Fibula: position of the latero-distal gutter = 0, posterior; 1, median', 252 'Astragalus: (Transverse Diameter/Height) ratio = 0, TD/H < 1; 1, 1 < TD/H < 1.2; 2, 1.2 < TD/H', 253 'Astragalus: (Antero-Posterior Diameter/Height) ratio = 0, APD/H < 0.65; 1, 0.65 < APD/H', 254 'Astragalus: orientation of the fibula-facet = 0, subvertical; 1, oblique', 255 'Astragalus: fibula-facet = 0, flat; 1, concave', 256 'Astragalus: collum tali = 0, high; 1, low', 257 'Astragalus: posterior stop on the cuboid-facet = 0, present; 1, absent', 258 'Astragalus: caudal border of the trochlea, in proximal view = 0, sinuous; 1, nearly straight', 259 'Astragalus: orientation trochlea/distal articulation = 0, very oblique; 1, same axis', 260 'Astragalus: expansion of the calcaneus-facet 1 = 0, always present; 1, usually absent', 261 'Astragalus: expansion of the calcaneus-facet 1 = 0, always wide and low; 1, usually wide and low; 2, always high and narrow', 262 'Astragalus: calcaneus-facet 1 = 0, very concave; 1, nearly flat', 263 'Astragalus: calcaneus-facets 2 and 3 = 0, always independent; 1, usually independent; 2, usually fused; 3, always fused', 264 'Calcaneus: fibula-facet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, usually present; 3, always present', 265 'Calcaneus: tibia-facet = 0, always absent; 1, usually absent; 2, always present', 266 'Calcaneus: tuber calcanei = 0, massive; 1, slender', 267 'Calcaneus: insertion of the m. fibularis longus = 0, salient; 1, invisible', 268 'Navicular: cross section = 0, lozenge; 1, rectangle', 269 'Cuboid: proximal side = 0, oval; 1, triangular', 270 'Ectocuneiform: postero-lateral process = 0, weak; 1, developed', 271 'MtIII: proximal border of the anterior side = 0, straight; 1, concave; 2, sigmoid', 272 'MtIII: posterior MtII-facet = 0, present; 1, absent', 273 'MtIII: MtIV-facets = 0, distinct; 1, sometimes joined ', 274 'MtIII: distal widening of the diaphysis (in adults) = 0, absent; 1, present', 275 'MtIII: cuboid-facet = 0, absent; 1, present', 276 'MtIII: cuboid-facet = 0, small; 1, large', 277 'MtIV: postero-proximal tuberosity = 0, isolated; 1, pad-shaped and continuous', 278 'Phalanx I for MtIII: symmetric insertions = 0, lateral; 1, nearly anterior', 279 'Limbs = 0, slender; 1, robust (brachypod)', 280 'Metapodials: intermediate relief = 0, high and acute; 1, low and smooth', 281 'Central metapodials: postero-distal tubercle on the diaphysis = 0, absent; 1, present', 282 'Lateral metapodials: insertion of the m. interossei = 0, long; 1, short (does not reach distal half of the shaft)', 283 'p3: lingual branch of paralophid = 0, developped; 1, reduced', 284 'p3-4 : Anterolingual cingulum = 0, stopping at metaconid or absent: 1, joining metaconid', 285 'P2: Metacone fold = 0, strong; 1, weak or absent', 286 'P3-4: Metacone fold = 0, strong; 1, weak or absent', 287 'M1-2 : Parastyle = 0, long; 1, short', 288 'I1: Shape = 0, spatulate; 1, conical, pointed; 2, chisel' ; MATRIX Tapirus_terrestris 0020-1000000000000100100010-0-0-0101000100000000000-0010000100000--0-000000000000000-0000000020-1000021000000000000-000000000-0000-0000-0-0--1100000013-010000010000100000000000000010001010000000000000000000001001000000-0000000-000000000000001010000010001000000000000000020000-000000100010 Hyrachyus_eximius 0010-00?0110000001020000000-0-0-00010?0000000000000-00?1000000100-00-00?000000000010-000000000---1-0001100012000000-000010000-0000-0000-0-010001003-000001002-0000??00000?????????????000001-0000001003010000020001110000100000000-00000000?010000000000000000000000003000000022-020000000000010 Epiaceratherium_bolcense 011??????0??????????0?10010-0-0-??011100?{1 2}?1??1??????1?1??01??0010?0-?0?0000001?1120-1011000?310?0000{0 3}?000013300023-000100000{1 2}00011000{1 2}-0-11?011003-1-{0 1}001002-3-1?????????????????????011???????00??1???????0?000101????10-??00?????0??1010?00???0????1????11000000???0?00000?1?010-00000?000001 Epiaceratherium_naduongense 0010-?0??01??0???1?001?00?0-0-??00010?00?1?1001??10-1111??0100001010-001000000101130-100100003100000031000012310022000000000000010-0000-0-110010013-110000022-2100????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????100001 Epiaceratherium_magnum ????????????????????????????????????????????????????211(0 1)00010000???0-?0?000000111130?00010?00{1 2}1??0(0 1)00320{1 2}00033110{1 2}3-001101000000110010{1 2}000(0 1)21010013?1??200022?(2 3)110????????????????????????????????????????????????01110110???0?00200?2?1???????????????????10???0100000????000100?0???0???101001 Epiaceratherium_delemontense 0{1 2}2???0000100?0??{0 1}2???0?010-??0-00021110?{1 2}??0?????????????????000-?0-?????????????30-001??0?021?-0?0?310?0?0330?023-00110100??001100102000??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????00?? 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Mesaceratherium_gaimersheimense ????????????????????????????????????????????????????0110??0???000-00-00??11000101120-000000?011-0020012000000310003001110100100010-0101-01?20000011001020000102100?????????0010?????????????????00??00?0??0?1?0001010101010110?0????02?0??0?0?0???01?00????1000001003000000000110?0-0?01??001102 Mesaceratherium_welcommi ????????????????????????????????????????????????????11111?0100101000-0???????0101030-000000?010-1000312000000330003101110100100010-0102001120100113-1-120???10210???????????????????????????????????????0000?00001000?0?010??0000200??00?????????101100????110000100303300000?1201????00?0??111? 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Teleoceras_fossiger 0110-0000111-01101110110100-0-0-0111011102000111110-11?01-1000100-11010?1110101111322022002-011-102011200030333003311-11100011011100112001010101010-2-3?10002-2-10??10010000101010030111010012101000002001011101000100000101000102101011010?0000112-0011001211001111010320011012002100100?0?1112 Brachypotherium_brachypus 0020-?0?00010011?1??0?10000-0-0-0021000?0201?111100?22111-0201000-10-100??100010111210000000020-0020022000101230002001010000100010-0110-01000101003-012000102-0010??000101000?00101100????????100001002001101100110001000100011100-0111100000010112-0010101211001010011220000?100021001001111102 Prosantorhinus_douvillei 1?10-?0??1???11?010???10000-100-0?000?11020?1100?10-11111-0??0000-10-000??101010113120000000011-102002200030323002300001010000000100110-0101010100002-220002000111??00010??0000000030211?110121010010020110111000100100000-00001011110110100000011100000101210001011310320000012-020001001100112 Alicornops_simorrense 0020-?0?0000000??1??0110000-0-0-01001?1??1?00?1?????11110?1101001010-101??11-011112201000100020-1001022010202331023000110000100000-01120010100100120002200003-1110??100100000000011000?????0??0010010011000?002?000011000??0023102100?01?10???00??1?0???1??11000011000032000001000200?0000111102 Lartetotherium_sansaniense 0010-?000001-?2?01010?1210110-0-00210??0??01110001??211100000?000-10-?0111100010113210220000010-0000012010003030022000110000100000-0112001010111013-2-1201002-2100??00000??00000111000010121-???0100010010010?00011011000131120002000211?00?011?00001010???110000?01003?20010020010-0?0100100{0 1}02 Mesaceratherium_paulhiacense ????????????????????????????????????????????????????111?00010000???0-?0????0001????0-000??00021?0000022000003330003001110100100?110010??0??101000100013-0112100100????????????0???????????????????????????????000101?101010110?10210010????????????????????110000?003000?0?00022-00-??00?0??111? Plesiaceratherium_platyodon 0010-?0000001?1?12100?1?000-0-0-00111101?2010110??11??????021?000-?0-????????01???{1 2}2?000000003100003012030300220013000111100000000-0102001??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????110? ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 72 94 102- 103 140 187-190\3, ord: 1- 71 73- 93 95- 101 104- 139 141- 186 188- 189 191- 288; END; Outgroup 1-2; Hsearch Addseq=random nreps=1000 hold = 100 allswap = yes swap=tbr multrees=yes reconlimit=infinity;