A study of neurological diseases in farmed deer in Switzerland, with emphasis on chronic wasting disease

Sieber, Veronika ; Ryser-Degiorgis, Marie-Pierre ; Botteron, Catherine

In: European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2008, vol. 54, no. 2, p. 189-192

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    A study of neurological diseases in farmed deer, with emphasis on chronic wasting disease, was conducted during 2years in Switzerland. Deer breeders were asked to submit the heads of all deer at least 2years of age, found dead or slaughtered, for examination. A complete histological examination of the brain and immunohistochemical detection of the prion protein on selected regions of the brain and lymphoid tissues were performed on 120 apparently healthy and 40 diseased animals. In a number of cases, a full necropsy was performed. Significant inflammatory and/or degenerative changes were seen in 25% of the brains. No evidence for a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy was established