Organisationsstrukturen zur Verbesserung der Wirtschaftlichkeit medizinischer Laboratorien in Krankenhäusern. Organizational structures improving the economic efficiency of medical hospital laboratories

Henker (federführend), Otto ; Appel, Siegfried ; Hänseler, Edgar ; Köller, Ursula ; Neumeier, Dieter ; Stein, Wolfgang ; Tiran, Andreas ; Vogt, Wolfgang

In: LaboratoriumsMedizin, 2005, vol. 29, no. 1, p. 17-27

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    Abstract The common trend to form larger organisations has nowadays also reached the health system and the diagnostic laboratories. This development is dominated by economic motivations, notably by the wish to reduce costs. This tendency bears risks, specifically for the quality of medical services. Too much centralisation, which is frequently accompanied by all-inclusive prices and downgrading, puts quality at risk. Quality management does not necessarily increase costs but can also help to reduce costs. For example changes in the organisation, cooperation and management of laboratories may help to reduce costs but yet maintain or even improve quality. The achievement of this goal needs great efforts for defining visions and strategies and developing concepts. Expertise from economic and organisational sciences rather than mere medical knowledge are necessary to reach these objectives. Know-how on methods and problem solution must be gained or obtained from external sources. All involved individuals must be willing to change and to overcome antagonistic attitudes. Legal measures including the Health Care Modernisation Act (Gesundheitssystem-Modernisierungsgesetz =GMG) are aimed to reach integrated medical care, for example in out-patient and in-patient settings. It is important that the involved parties cooperate to overcome the disadvantages and to combine the advantages of the present situation. Thereby the health system will develop innovative solutions, which are efficient and cost-saving but also guarantee the maintenance or even improvement of current quality standards