Recovering cores and cusps in dark matter haloes using mock velocity field observations

Kuzio de Naray, Rachel ; Kaufmann, Tobias

In: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2011, vol. 414, no. 4, p. 3617-3626

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    We present mock DensePak Integral Field Unit (IFU) velocity fields, rotation curves and halo fits for disc galaxies formed in spherical and triaxial cuspy dark matter haloes and spherical cored dark matter haloes. The simulated galaxies are ‘observed' under a variety of realistic conditions to determine how well the underlying dark matter halo can be recovered and to test the hypothesis that cuspy haloes can be mistaken for cored haloes. We find that the appearance of the velocity field is distinctly different depending on the underlying halo type. We also find that we can successfully recover the parameters of the underlying dark matter halo. Cuspy haloes appear cuspy in the data and cored haloes appear cored. Our results suggest that the cores observed using high-resolution velocity fields in real dark matter dominated galaxies are genuine and cannot be ascribed to systematic errors, halo triaxiality or non-circular motions